Spain Oncological oblivion reaches the driving license in Spain today

Oncological oblivion is a reality as of this Saturday for drivers who have overcome cancer because they can renew their driving license under the same conditions as the rest of the general population, that is, every decade in the case of being up to 64 years of age. or every five years if they are 65 or older.

This will be possible thanks to an order from the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Demographic Memory published this Friday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), and which enters into force this Saturday. This measure is part of what was announced almost two weeks ago by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, that the Executive would modify the legislation before June to implement the right to be forgotten oncology in some regulations.

The right to be forgotten oncology has been approved in the European Parliament for just over a year. In addition, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands and Greece already have it regulated. Now Portugal, Italy and Spain join them.

The Presidency order, collected by Servimedia, modifies the General Regulations for Drivers, which establishes that drivers with oncohematological disorders and in possession of licenses to drive cars, motorcycles or mopeds can renew their license for a maximum period of three years from three years after overcoming the disease and up to 10 years after its complete remission duly accredited by a medical report.

In addition, the validity of the driving license for these vehicles is a maximum of five years for those who have passed a non-hematological oncological process.

“The current regulation considerably limits the terms for the extension of the driving permit or license to people who have suffered an oncological disease, despite having been accredited by a doctor the remission of the same or there is no evidence of the disease and not being in adjuvant treatment”, indicates the order.

Therefore, drivers who have overcome cancer and have no limitations or physical sequelae were still considered “cancer patients when renewing their driving license or permit.

“Therefore, unfounded discrimination occurs with respect to those people who no longer have symptoms of the disease and have fully rejoined their working and ordinary lives. However, despite this when they renew their driving permit or license, his illness is again affected, at least for these purposes, because its validity is not the one foreseen, in general, for the rest of the citizenry,” the order states.

The Government adds that in these cases it is “an emotional matter” because, “after a long and hard treatment and subsequent recovery, at the time the permit or license is issued, a process already overcome is revived that the Administration reminds them unnecessarily.”

For this reason, it addresses the demands of entities that group people who have had an oncological disease, who had asked to change the General Regulations for Drivers, considering that the negative impact of overcoming cancer on road safety is not substantiated.

Therefore, these drivers will be able from this Saturday to renew their driving license without its validity being three or five years, but “by reason of age”, that is, for another 10 years in the case of those who are up to 64 years and by another five in that of those 65 years of age or older. “It is about assimilating them to the rest of the citizenry, since they are people who have overcome the disease and are in the same conditions as the general population,” underlines the Presidency.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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