Spain The Civil Guard evicts about twenty people in Asturias due to 97 fires in 35 councils

The Civil Guard has evicted about twenty people last night due to the forest fires registered in Asturias, which totals 97 simultaneous outbreaks in 35 councils, the Emergency Service of the Principality of Asturias (SEPA) reported this Thursday.

The evictions have been carried out in the towns of Aristebano and Caborno, in the Valdés council, and are added to the preventive evacuation carried out yesterday of an elderly woman in La Vallina (Llanes), of two more people in Llaneces (Allande) and the only resident of the Coucellín (Tineo) farmhouse.

The extinction efforts are focused on the western zone on the localized Tineo, Allande and Valdés fires, where they carried out the evictions while the fire has affected various buildings and constructions in various councils.

To coordinate and direct the intervention in the area, this morning the Advanced Command Post will be established in the town of Navelgas (Tineo), from where the mobilized device will be coordinated.

The fires are located in the councils of Allande, Aller, Amieva, Belmonte of Miranda, Boal, Cabrales, Cangas of Onís, Cangas of Narcea, Caso, Grade, Ibias, Langreo, Laviana, Lena, Llanera, Llanes, Mieres, Nava, Onís, Parres, Pilona, ??Ponga, Pravia, Chiros, Upper Bank, Riosa, Santo Hadrian, Sobrescobio, Somiedo, Teverga, Tineo, Valdés, Villaviciosa, Villayon and Yernes and Tameza.

The extinction work was hampered yesterday by strong gusts of wind and high temperatures, adverse conditions that are expected to continue today.

The Military Emergency Unit traveled yesterday from its base in León to Tineo to participate in the extinction work, with a total of 95 troops and 40 vehicles.

In the operation, which totals more than 500 troops, the Asturias Firefighters, the Tineo Forest Fire Reinforcement Brigade (BRIF), members of forestry companies and the natural environment nursery, as well as volunteers, municipal personnel, ranchers who have traveled with their own vats and specialists in the investigation of the origin of the fires.

In this regard, the President of the Principality, Adrián Barbó, affirmed last night that most of the fires had been intentional and, in fact, assured that there are already “suspected suspects” of causing the fires.

Barbón stressed that he is going to act “forcefully” so that the responsible people pay “with the full weight of the law” because “whoever lights a mountain is a criminal, a delinquent”, at the same time that he asked for citizen collaboration to stop the wave of fires and alert 112 in the event of any suspicion or indication of arson.

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