Spain Yolanda Díaz will intervene in the motion of censure to also reply to Vox and defend the government's management

The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, will intervene in the government’s turn to replicate Vox’s motion of no confidence and establish the position of the minority partner within the Executive during the parliamentary debate, which will start this Tuesday.

This is how sources from the confederal space have transferred it, thus confirming the reissue of the strategy that was followed with the PSOE in the last motion of censure, where it was made in tandem with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

On that occasion, former Vice President Pablo Iglesias took the floor and now it will be Díaz who will take the floor to defend the management of the Executive and the progressive program of the coalition, as the highest government representative of United We Can.

In this way, sources from the confederal space already indicated during this week that Díaz’s intervention was logical, in order to emphasize the measures promoted during this legislature jointly with the PSOE, in addition to highlighting one of the most important assets highlights of the Executive such as labor market policies.

Precisely yesterday in Seville, in the framework of an act of Sumar, he stressed that behind the vote of no confidence that Vox there is no “political program” or ideas, but rather that it only aims to oust the current central government of the PSOE and United We Can, which means “deteriorating democracy”.

In fact, the deputy and coordinator of Alianza Verde, Juantxo López de Uralde, was in favor of Sánchez and Díaz making this pairing to respond to Vox, given that in the added case of the vice president there is her militancy in the PCE, precisely formation in which the candidate proposed by Abascal’s party, the economist Ramón Tamames, was present.

In turn, Podemos had demanded that women have a leading role during the debate and, in addition to Díaz, the purple formation has confirmed that deputy Lucía Muñoz, who already defended the position of the purples in the tense party, will speak on behalf of the party debate on the reform of the PSOE to the ‘Law only if it is yes’.

Meanwhile, in the case of the IU and the ‘commons’, it is not yet clear who their representatives will be during the debate on the motion of censure, since the confederal group distributes turns of intervention so that the different branches of the confluence can express themselves.

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