Steps to set up your own installation of self-consumption electric

The photovoltaic ask that you ensure their profitability in a decree before the end of the añoLos solar panels can save over 700 euros per year on the invoice for the luzEl autoconsumidor be charged a 50% least by the light that is sold by the consumes

The Government approved last April by the royal decree of self-consumption of energy that regulates the use of the energy generated by renewable energy facilities to consume their own electricity, and that includes the figure of the self-consumption collective so that multiple users can join in communities or affiliated companies to a same generation plant. In addition, the new law describes the concept “installation of production close to the consumer and associated with the same” so that this activity is not limited to the facilities in the same housing and can be extended to other located in the immediate vicinity.

With the purpose that citizens are fully aware of the ins and outs of these practices, the Institute for the Diversification and saving of Energy (IDAE) has published a revised guide which summarizes the steps for implementing both installations for self-consumption individual, as collective. From IDAE emphasize that the self-consumption represents a saving on the electric bill and “less reliance on price changes of electric rate”.

So, a system of self-consumption is composed by a production facility as can be u we panels a solar pv or a generator minieólico in addition to other elements such as cables, invesores solar, connectors and in some cases, batteries. This new system connects to the electrical installation of the house or building, in the case of a community. At the IDEA point out that the new regulation has abolished the obligation to install additional counters in most of the cases.

The first step to start the proceos is to have elements of space necessary as a roof, deck or garden , among others. However, from the IDEA, remember that also important are the characteristics of the area, as well as orientation to the sun -to the south is the most suitable – or the wind resource. It is influence, in addition, which the new regulation allows that the installation is next, and is not connected to the building in which we want to autoconsumir energy.

then, “it is recommended to contact a specialized company” as is the case of a marketer of electricity, an installation company of the electrical system, an energy services company or that is dedicated specifically to renewables. Typically, these companies are responsible for carrying out actions of technical and administrative in addition to perform the installation.

Among the procedures most notable include a feasibility study, the request for administrative authorizations and building permits, the record to the autonomous community and the commissioning of the installation itself.

But, is it economically viable? From IDAE estimates that a system of 3 kW can cover the majority of the electricity needs of a household of four members and with a size of seventy square metres. The initial overhead an installation of self-consumption pays back between the next six or 10 years because, after the initial investment, the savings in energy is remarkable. In turn, there are grants and tax benefits that allow you to amortize more quickly the money spent on the system.

“Surplus of energy”

you can Also be the case that to produce “surplus energy” when it generates more than it consumes. In these circumstances there are several options, such as add-batteries: -that imply a higher cost – to store the energy that is not used. In the guide of IDAE also indicates that for facilities with less than 100 kw may have recourse to a compensation system simplified , in which the seller compensates the users these surpluses as savings in the monthly bill of the light. “The marketers of reference (which offer the regulated tariff) are defined by law what financial value to give to such excess. In the case of trading companies of the free market, compensation is made on the terms agreed with the seller”, according to the guide.

in Addition, in anticipation of a high number of surpluses, you can opt for the self-consumption with surpluses without compensation simplified and register as a producer of energy. Using this mode will allow you to sell the surplus without monthly limit, although the user will have to face several fiscal paperwork and administrative to carry out an economic activity.

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