Submit Pending For Autumn: More than a million people for completing the vaccine guideline

This week has just finished Spain has received less than 140,000 doses, one of the lower items since the healing vaccination strategy beyond the end of December.
And it is that it exceeded 77% of the total population with complete pattern, that the rhythm of vaccination is increasingly lower is a fact.

But who and how many are the ones that are for vaccining?
How has the vaccination process progressed in recent months?

Jaime Jesús Pérez, member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Vaccunology (AEV), responds: “The reason for this slowdown is clear: Each time there is less population for vaccination. Obviously we are already some very high vaccination levels and
The population that remains to be immunized because it is population that has no interest or that is reluctant and that maybe it does not see it as a need. ”

“We are reaching the ceiling of vaccination, unless measures are introduced to request ‘Covid Certificate’ in some activity,” he emphasizes.
Certainly, in some age groups, it is no longer more advanced in the immunization process, as in the elderly of more than 80 years and practically from 70-79, since 100% has already been reached, but by
Example in the 30-39 years, more than 25% can still be advanced.

Along with this last age group, the 20 to 29 years old are the least vaccinated.
However, in Galicia, these sets of ages have rates higher than the national average in its strip.

Your secret?
As Jaime Jesus Pérez, the ‘Certificate Covid’, in this case to access night leisure.

As this community implemented mid-September and now replicates Baleares with the approval of justice.
Even in Galicia, with this type of measure, the clan of 20 to 39 years has rates of vaccination not especially high compared to the group of the youngest, 12 to 19 years, since they have been advanced in less than two months for the

How has this happened?
“I believe that the group of 12-19 is a group that goes more taken a bit by their parents, while the 20-29, just like that of 30-39, are already groups that are really those who choose
More. I believe that this is the key, “argues the vowel of the AEV.

Thus, the group of 20 to 29 years is that at present, as can be seen in the graph, less vaccination rate presents, specifically, 74%.
It follows the group of 30 to 39 years, with only three tenths more.

Do you want to say these data that young people, especially those born between 1982 and 2001, are more denialists?
Pérez, specialist in preventive medicine explains: “On many occasions it is not rejection, but reluctance, because when you talk to them, they tell you: ‘Well, I do not need this … I do not feel worried about this’. And also what
They tell you is: ‘It is that it is my right not to vaccinate myself.’ So many is not that they are anti vaccines, but have a point of rebellion and lack of concern. ”

To this species of disobedience is added the fact that many of the cases have been concentrated in these ages of ages for a month, which also influences the time to be able to vaccinate or not, even though healing
He lowered the waiting time between infection and six-month vaccine between four and eight weeks.
On the other hand, in the graph emphasizes that practically throughout the month of July the group between 50 and 59 years old was more advanced in the process of immunization than adults between 60 and 69.

Should not I be upside down?
Why was this situation given?

“Clearly that was for vaccination with Astrazeneca, while he was immunizing with Astrazeneca to the group of 60-69, since there were a clan of skeptics who did not want to immunize with this serum. But when vaccination opened to others.
Sera, because there was no problem and was vaccinated. In addition, the issues of the deadlines were also partly. Astrazeneca required 12 weeks for the second dose and Pfizer and modern require three or four weeks. So it was very different. Then
Of course, things have been put in order over time, “explains the public health technician in Murcia.

Thus, right now in Spain there are 1,035,246 people for completing their vaccination pattern and 4,417,443 that have not received a single dose.
Could there be some reason why this little more than one million people have not received the second dose?

Dr. Jaime Jesús Pérez argues: “For there are several reasons, there are people who suddenly given him an adverse reaction, but that is not the most normal. Then there are also people who can sick, not for the vaccine, but that
You can get sick and at a certain time because you postpone vaccination. People who, for reasons on vacation, travel or work, have had to leave and say: ‘Well, then I put it on it’. And finally there is
People who simply be bouncing and then from the communities’ vaccine programs are making phone calls and captations to try that all this population is vaccinated and complete the pattern as quickly as possible. ”

So everyone wants to finish the vaccination process or are there some who are thrown back and do not want to receive more vaccines?
“There is a low percentage that it can effectively be that it does not want to complete it, but the norm is that most people once it is vaccinated from the first dose, it is vaccinated from the second dose without problem,” the doctor concludes.

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