The basque Government complains that Puigdemont that relates to apply the 155 with the 1,000 dead ETA

Puigdemont: “In the Basque Country there has been a lot of deaths and violence and I do not remember that have been applied, the 155″it is Not the Basque Country, but yes we are already stigmatized”

The spokesperson of the basque Government and director of Public Governance and Self-government, Josu Erkoreka , has described “irrelevant and unfortunate” the words of former Catalan, Carles Puigdemont , on the application of the 155 and ETA, and has located not to take them into account.

Erkoreka has referred to the statements made by Puigdemont this Tuesday in the r echazó a repeat of the article 155 in Catalunya because it may have “signs of violence”, and stated that in the Basque country there were “almost a thousand dead” of ETA, and was not applied never this precept of the Constitution.

So reflected Puigdemont in an interview on Catalunya Ràdio, thereby responding to the warning of Pedro Sanchez , who has argued that article 155 can be applied with a functioning Government and has insisted on to claim that they condemn the acts and “evidence” of violence, in reference to the arrests of members of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR).

In an interview with Onda Vasca, Erkoreka has said that “it is so evident that you are unfortunate and impertinent, that, probably, it is best not to take them into consideration”. “ I Want to put them in the tense moment that you are living in Catalonia and, particularly, the lord Puigdemont . In that context, it surely has not been successful in the expression or what I wanted to say,” he added.

According to Erkoreka, “this is not going to muddy the relationship of loyalty and cooperation that has always existed between the two Executives.

in Addition, he complained that in this pre-campaign ” all over the world are resorting to maximum as that of the 155, they are very loud and traumatic for the political debate “. “They’re incorporating with a levity and lightness that should not prevail in a campaign, especially when we come from an inability to form Government and it would be good for the political formations to build up their discourses, in this second phase, in key more responsible and more constructive so that, after the elections, it is feasible the understanding that is conducive to the formation of a Government,” he concluded.

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