The creation of employment falls to the lowest level since 2013y unemployment spikes up in 13.907 people in September

Why has it dropped the affiliation in August?The registered unemployment picked up in 54.371 people in August, the worst data in this month from 2010Zamora and Cantabria are leading the fall in unemployment in Spain in July

The end of the tourist season has returned to have a negative balance for employment. Specifically, with respect to the previous month the unemployment rate has risen in 13.907 people , which represents a rise of 0.45%, according to data from the Ministry of Labour. The total number of unemployed people has been located on 3.079.711 people, the lowest figure in a month of September since 2008. What is more serious is that the data also confirm the slowdown in job creation. In particular, in September last year, were created 22.899 jobs this year, compared with August, the Social Security has only added to 3.224 people busy (0,02%). In terms desestacionalizados the unemployment rate has fallen in September in 28.629 people compared to the previous month.

In total, the membership of half a Social Security has reached the 19.323.451 busy . However, the coming of an upward trend still, it is the largest number of occupation in this month from which there are records. In particular, the membership has grown in absolute terms in Education (45.521); Administrative and support Service Activities (21.681) and Manufacturing Industry (11.888) , while it has decreased in accommodation and Catering (-44.346); Trade, reaparación of motor vehicles and motorcycles (-34.330); Public Administration and Defence, Compulsory Social Security (-14.812); healthcare Activities and Social Services (-14.076).

The month has been closed with 3.266.258 self-employed, after adding 4.707 more people (-0,14%). In the Special System for Agriculture, has ended the month with 26.285 affiliated media (3,74%), standing now in 729.935 people. For its part, the Special System of domestic Employees fell by 2.349 (-0,59) and now reaches the 395.704 busy. Or the Special Regime of the Sea has fallen in 1.621 affiliated persons (-2,33%) to stand at 68.075.

Madrid strip membership

By autonomous communities, the greatest increase in the number of members has taken place in Madrid , with 40.197-affiliated (1,26%); Canary islands, 8.885 (1,10%), Castilla-La Mancha, 7.308 (1,03%); the Basque Country, 5.018 (0,52%) and Catalonia, than 4483 (0,13%). The largest decreases occur in Cantabria (-2,58%), the Balearic islands (-2,42%), Asturias (-1,73%) and Extremadura (-1,06%).

Grows the unemployment among those under 25 years

For its part, in the case of the ldesempleo male this has grown into the ninth month of the year in 3.182 persons as compared to August and stood at 1.250.720 people. The female unemployment has increased at 10,725 people and reached the 1.828.991 people. With respect to the unemployment of the young people under the age of 25 years has increased in September in 22.694 people compared to the previous month, while unemployment among people 25 and more years of age has dropped in 8.787. In interannual terms, a comparative more friendly by the good performance of the labour market in the previous years, the unemployment of those under 25 years has decreased in 15.154 and that of workers 25 years old and over has declined in 107.644.

The unemployment rate is rising in 13.907 people in September – ATLASCaída of the unemployed in only eight communities

The registered unemployment has dropped in eight autonomous communities, as compared with August , among which are: the Basque Country (-2.444), Castilla–La Mancha (-2.145) and La Rioja (-932). Climbs, on the contrary, in nine, led by Andalusia (4.866) and Extremadura (4.025) .

In all the Autonomous Communities, the unemployment has fallen year-on-year , highlighting Andalusia (-41.243), Madrid (11.387) and the Valencian Community (10.139). Only in Ceuta has increased unemployment by 316 people.

By economic sectors of origin of the workers, unemployment has been reduced in Agricultur in 9.601 (-6.72%); in Industry has fallen in among 2,460 (-0,93%); in Construction has fallen in 7.599 (-2,91%); in Services rises in 24.419 (1,14%). Finally, the group Without Previous Employment has increased in 9.148 people (-3,53%).

Only 11.4% of indefinite contracts

In total, during September have been recorded 2.094.635 contracts . Of them, 238.723 are contracts of indefinite duration, 11.4% of the total contracts registered, other 1.843.926 are temporary and 11.986 character training. Long term contracts for September have been divided, in terms of the duration of your day, in 130.385 full-time, 73.665 part-time and 34.673 fixed discontinuous.

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