The danes are the Eu’s golden calf: Pay the most of all

– we will Pay not the greatest contribution In advance ??? Per Capita!!

– We must appear out of the EU – and it must be like to be now.

– Thank you.

How to write Ole’s in a popular comment (17 likes) on the ‘Go’ Tonight/Go’ Morgen Denmark’s public Facebook profile, on the budget negotiations, EU countries are so small in time in the last week, while many kept thanksgiving. Negotiations, which may appear to end up with Denmark’s annual contribution to the union will increase by several billion dollars.

According to the EU-information pay Denmark in 2019, more than 22 billion dollars to the union. When you figure the amount that comes back, landing a total bill of approximately nine billion dkk – at least if you go out from that, the equation for 2019 is going to look like it is from last year, when Denmark’s net contributions, according to TV2 ended up at 8.9 billion – a total of more than 1500 kr per dane.

And Ole is not the only one who think that it is enough.
– Largest contributor per capita and they just want to have more..

– Primarily for the administration, Anders T the same place, and Ehm F. does not seem, there is no reason to raise the budget:

– of Course it’s gak that put the quota up, as it is extremely high in advance.

– You should be able to keep the amount in the ro and then the EU must adapt.

– It is practically a blank cheque, the EU has gotten from each and every country. The EU and the nations in the EU shows in no way self-restraint, writes Ehm.

Citizens ‘ bill for european UNION membership 2018

in 11 countries with high levels of prosperity are at the top when it comes to the net contribution per capita.

Denmark 1.546 kr

Germany 1.209 dkk

Austria 1.140 dkk

Sweden 1.125 dkk

Holland 1.070 kr

Finland 786 kr

united kingdom 783 kr

France 691 kr

Italy 625 kr

Ireland 486 kr

Belgium 320 kr

Source: EU Commission

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On you can read that in 2018, according to the EUROPEAN commission was the 11 EU countries that paid more into the union than they got back – and a German r.ex. in the cut paid 1209 for its membership, a swede, 1125 kr, while every dane, as mentioned, the pay 1546 kr. And actually, there are several of the Tv2 Facebook friends, who think that the danes should be asked whether it should continue:

– What with the soon to demand a vote on the eu membership, ask Patrick J. thus, in a comment, which got 14 likes and Henrik A – there has got 47 likes – has already taken its decision:

– Well, then there is only one way back
– We follow after the Uk.
– Let us have a vote about the EU, writes Henry, but what are you thinking?

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