The Government creates a Council of Infant Involvement with children between 8 and 17 years old to listen to his voice

The Official State Bulletin (BOE) has published this Monday the Order establishing the State Council for Involvement of Children and Adolescence, a permanent and stable consultation body, ascribed to the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and
Conceived so that “it is raised in spokesperson and interlocutor of girls, children and adolescents before public institutions.”

The creation of this Participation Council is one of the provisions of the Organic Law on Comprehensive Protection for Children and Adolescence against Violence, approved on May 20 at Congress with the favorable vote of all parties less that of

Renewable every two years, it will be formed by 34 children and adolescents between 8 and 17 years old, who will be elected after presenting their candidacy and being endorsed by other minors.

In its composition there must be at least 22% of children from municipal and autonomous childhood participation councils, the same percentage of representatives of social groups especially vulnerable to discrimination, and also at least 22% of minors that form an active part
of organizations, associations or state-of-the-art platforms that are decided on the defense of childhood rights.

Its functions will include transfer to the General Administration of the State Initiatives and recommendations to promote the rights of children, disseminate the concerns, concerns and opinions of the collective, including the perspective of equity, gender and equal treatment and non-discrimination or participate in the elaboration
, Monitoring and evaluation of the rights strategy of children and adolescence and its operational plans.

It will be articulated through an assembly – integrated by the totality of the 34 members of the Council – which will meet at least twice a year.
It will have what is called the Motor Group, an organ formed by five members elected by the rest to coordinate the actions and projects of the Council.

“It should be noted that in the composition of this state council it will be guaranteed that the participation of girls, children and adolescents be done in conditions of equality and parity, that no barrier (gender, origin, ethnicity, economic, racial, of
Mobility, functionality, linguistics, etc.) prevents access to participation and that, of course, the most vulnerable social groups of children are also part of full right, favoring with their presence the representativeness of diversity and plurality that
It exists in the space of childhood and adolescence in Spain, “reads in the order published in the BOE.

According to the study “Study on the participation of children in the political and democratic life of the EU”, commissioned by the European Commission to Rand Europe and Eurochild and published this year, Spain is in the tail of European countries in terms of participation
It is located among the 13 countries that do not have a child parliament at the state level and so far it did not have a state-specific participation council for childhood either.
It has a hundred municipal childhood and adolescence councils that in 2010 met for the first time at a national meeting held in Avilés (Asturias).

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