The light rises by 0.8% on Wednesday and follows below 200 euros / MWh

The average price of electricity in the wholesale market (POOL) announces 0.8% for today, Wednesday, and is situated at 185.74 euros / megawatt hour (MWh), after yesterday, Tuesday, which was festive,
It remained virtually invariable.

Despite this slight rise, the price of electricity is maintained below 200 euros / mwh for fourth consecutive day, after what is going from October the light has beat three historical records and for six days it has been
Above all 200 euros / MWh daily.

With the moderation of prices during the Pilar Bridge, derived from a lower labor activity, the average price of electricity in the wholesale market so far in October is situated in 199.54 euros / MWh, below the
200 euros / MWh, although it exceeds the monthly average of September (156.14 euros / MWh), to date the most expensive month of history.

Wholesale market prices are directly imprisoned in the regulated or PVPC rate, which almost 11 million consumers are welcomed in Spain, and serves as a reference for the other 17 million who hire their supply in the free market.

In the case of the PVPC, the weight of the price of electricity in the wholesale market on the invoice is 24%, corresponding the rest to the tolls and charges that cover system costs and energy policies, and taxes – as the
VAT or the Electricity Tax -, that the Government has reduced to try to alleviate the impact of the high Pool prices on the invoice of these consumers.

By time slots, electricity will be today more expensive between 20:00 and 21:00 hours, when it cost 240 euros / mwh, and cheaper between 4:00 and 5:00 hours, when it will be at 132.43
euros / mwh.

The escalation of prices that affects a large part of Europe is, among other factors, to increased gas in international markets, which is used in combined cycle plants, which mark market price in most hours,
and increasing the price of carbon dioxide emission rights (CO2).

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