The Morning. Expected hot and dry summer; Macron declared at the Dauphine Libere that 10 years imprisonment was required for Andrea-Marie's father. This Saturday's main information

The summer of 2022 will be warmer than usual after a record-breaking spring with temperatures in many cities. Some regions could be affected by drought and forest fires. Jean-Michel Soubeyroux is the scientific deputy director for climatic services at Meteo France. He stated that “the summer will be hot but not scorching.”

In a river interview, the Head of State outlines the major projects and how he will complete his second five year term. This interview was granted to regional dailies including your newspaper. Why the local press? It is a political decision that the president is attached to. He reiterates his desire to reverse the pyramid and start at the ground in order to find solutions.

Friday’s third and final day of Cyril Siette’s trial was dedicated to hearing the accused speak out on the facts. This included the night of March 17, 1998, when Andrea-Marie, her adopted daughter, fell or suffered violence. She died a month later. The man denied any responsibility.

> to read more: The 78 Days of Andrea-Marie’s Life

A large portion of France, from the north to the south via Paris, will require great vigilance. Meteo France has included in its 6 a.m. bulletin 60 departments on orange vigilance to storms from Channel to Far East and the Somme to Hautes-Pyrenees.

Is this the end of a mystery On Tuesday, a man was charged with kidnapping in Orne and forcible confinement. 33 years later, he confessed to killing his wife. Her body was never recovered. The facts are from 1989. However, the disappearance of the woman was not reported until September 15, 2021 by her two adult children.

The French team lost unexpectedly to Denmark after their dramatic comeback at Stade de France and qualifying matches for League of Nations. This setback is a bit disappointing for her morale, as she was enjoying a period of great success since last fall with 7 consecutive wins and the title of League of Nations winner.

> to read more: France – Denmark: What atmosphere at the Stade de France after the shameful Champions League?

> to read more: KarimBenzema wasn’t enough, Theo and Lucas Hernandez nightmare: The notes of France-Danmark

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