The Plenary of the CGPJ confirms unanimously to the suspension for seven months of the judge Pilar Lara

The decline of the “judge ” star”

the plenary of The General Council of the Judiciary has rejected this Thursday the appeal by the judge Pilar de Lara against the penalty of seven months and one day of suspension functions against it issued the Disciplinary Commission last march by a very serious fault of neglect in the exercise of the judicial powers. Therefore, given that the penalty exceeds six months, Lara will lose his position as the holder of the Court of Instruction nº1 of Lugo , from where it has influenced the political life of Galicia with macrocausas of questionable efficacy against the alleged corruption.

The agreement Fully exhausts all available administrative remedies. In recent days, the defense of the judge Pilar de Lara, who exercised the lawyer Agustín Azparren has advanced its intention to appeal against this decision before the organs that correspond, starting from an administrative remedy before the board 3rd from the Supreme Court, and even to the European Court of Human Rights. Be that as it may, once the Plenary of the CGPJ has ratified the sanction that has as an executive, once he is notified to the judge , although it may urge the TS to its suspension as a precautionary measure, that may or may not be accepted, as reported by sources of the Council.

The members of the Plenary have decided to endorse the position of the vocal Sea Cabrejas, favorable in your paper to dismiss the appeal of the defense of Pilar de Lara, and, therefore, affirm the sanction imposed in march by the Disciplinary Commission. This body considered that the massive structural failure of the Court of Instruction nº1 of Lugo was the fruit of a neglect continued in the exercise of their functions. In this court, for nearly a decade, accumulate macrocausas with thousands of pages of summaries, hundreds of volumes of instruction, and dozens of defendants that they don’t know when the hearing of your luck.

Pilar de Lara is the head of operations as relevant as the “Pokemon”, “Condor”, “Octopus”, “Pikachu” or “Manga” , all of them against the alleged corruption in municipalities and county councils, or the “Carioca”, which was investigating an alleged trafficking network of women in the brothels of Lugo. The “Pokemon” is the paradigm that explains the sanction of the CGPJ. Initiated in 2012, were investigating an alleged network corrupt companies that got municipal concessions in exchange for kickbacks to mayors and councillors of all political sign in Galicia, Asturias or the Lift: it has not yet been held no judgment. Of the eight parts in which is divided the cause, only an expected date of trial, while some of the other seven wanders by the courts of half of Spain looking for a judge to assume your competition.

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