The PP proposes that the High Inspection of Education can sanction communities that “adoctrinen”

this is the report of the text books in Catalonia that were ignored by PP and PSOE

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The Popular Party prepares a reform of the education system recentralizar skills. This proposal will also strengthen the role of the higher Education Inspection, whose actions give rise to “sanctions” in the regions “adoctrinen” to children, according to reveal to THE WORLD sources of the PP.

The amendment to the whole which prepared the popular to counteract the new Law of Education of the Government will include a number of novelties that will develop the recovery of educational skills, which has announced that Paul Married. Among them, the requirement that 65% of the educational curriculum is common to all the autonomous communities, except that they are co-official languages, in which the percentage was reduced to 55%. That is to say, five points above the established in the law Wert.

it Will be the High Inspection, according to the proposal of the PP, which must ensure that meet those percentages. The new law of the PSOE states that the common content will require a 65% timetable, but the PP makes sure that their proposal is different because it requires the common to be the agenda and not the time that is devoted to it.

The new terms of reference for the Inspection are the most striking of the standard to be presented by the PP. Above all, the capacity of which their actions give rise to administrative sanctions in the regions which pervert the educational work, for example in relating to how to teach the History of Spain. Thus, the High Inspectorate will monitor the school supplies and textbooks and increase its collaboration with the office of the Prosecutor.

“it will Not be an activity censorship, the high Inspection does not censor text books, but will act when the manuals do not conform to the norms,” point sources.

According to the proposal of the PP, this body will act both ex officio and at the request of a party. And you can “apperceive, encourage, inform, and even if there are very serious infraction, proceed on a complaint which can include the sanction”. What is considered to be very serious? “Above all, the indoctrination” that has been detected in manuals “of Catalonia and the Balearic islands”.

This journal has published the manual most commonly used in the institutes of the Balearic islands to learn Catalan assumes the thesis of separatism, and that the Government of Mariano Rajoy remained stored in a drawer, the report of the High Inspection about the indoctrination in the classrooms of catalonia. The new general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Egea, ensures that, having known that document, he would have done “the next day”.

Another key aspect of the re-centralization of education proposed by the PP is a common assessment for the whole of Spain. That is to say, “a single test linked to the Baccalaureate degree”. Contrary to the Selectivity, it would be compulsory for all students. Finally, the reform of the PP will develop the MIR for the teachers.

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