The PSOE excludes grandchildren of emigrants to opt-in to the nationality and the descendants of the Spanish who ask for rectification of

NEWSPAPER: The grandchildren of the Spain pilgrim

The PSOE wants to exclude the grandchildren of Spanish emigrants among people with a possibility to opt for the nationality, as is clear from the amendments that were made to the proposition of law on this matter, pending in the Congress. The socialists have been criticized by the Center for the Descendants of Spaniards Abroad (CeDEU), that you have been asked to remove these proposals.

it Is about some of the amendments tabled to the proposition of law in respect of the award of Spanish citizenship to descendants born abroad to parents of Spanish, registered by United we Can in the Senate, with the aim to solve some gaps in the current legislation.

In particular, and as explained by the parliamentary group in its statement of reasons, seeks to offer “a way out” to the grandchildren of Spanish origin who lost their citizenship after marrying an alien prior to the entry into force of the Constitution of the 78, the grandchildren of migrants for economic reasons that have adopted the nationality of the host country and lost their Spanish before the birth of their children; and the grandchildren of those who lost their nationality by not ratifying his desire to preserve it to meet the age of majority.

it Also gives you options to get the Spanish nationality to the children of those who obtained the nationality of origin, with the implementation of the law to expand the rights of those who suffered persecution or violence during the Civil War, adopted in 2007. This text is only included to the who, 11 years ago, were under age, what keeps the divisions in the bosom of families, in which some brothers and sisters are in Spanish and others do not.

All these changes are developed through the modification of up to four articles of the Civil Code, according to the text put forward by the confederal group in the Senate.

the withdrawal of the amendments

however, the wording made by the purple has not liked the socialists, who pose with one of their amendments an entirely new text that is added to the collective with the right to a “nationality of origin”, to “those born of a Spanish mother before the entry into force of the Constitution” and “the born of a father or mother of Spanish origin who, for reasons of exile, they were forced to renounce their nationality”.

in The same way, is included among those who may opt for the Spanish nationality of the “son of age of a person who has recovered the Spanish nationality”.

This new proposal leaves out again, as he has denounced CeDEU to the grandchildren of the immigrant Spanish man who was obliged to renounce the Spanish nationality in favor of the host country; to the grandchildren of Spanish women migrants, regardless of if it is retained, regained, or lost their nationality before the birth of their descendants; and to the older children of the age of the persons to whom it was granted Spanish nationality of origin under the right of option, regardless of their age at the time of the exercise of the right of option by the parent.

Faced with this situation, the association has asked the party in Government to remove these amendments or to propose new ones that do not involve a “notable grievance to the rights of the descendants of spaniards abroad” and that do not restrict the scope of the proposal. “The permanence of such amendments denotaría a blatant rejection of the differences of obtaining the nationality for reasons of age, and ancestry in a precarious financial situation,” said CeDEU in a press release.

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