The technical zip, the trick of the Guardia Civil in order to avoid the jam morning

These are the “apps” that you need to not eat any atascoCómo driving on the lanes reversiblesCircula on the right and you’ll avoid train jams, accidents, and receiving a fine of 200 eur

Sure that once you have experienced a situation like this: suddenly the jam clears and only a few kilometers away, another. We look for the accident or some kind of works, but there is nothing. Why do we stop there then? This is what is known as “effect accordion”. For this reason, it is imperative to respect the safety distance , which is the most effective way to avoid the so-called “jams” ghost.

The explanation is that, if we do not respect the above-mentioned safety distance, a light “touch brake” without sufficient gap, it generates that, without colliding with the car ahead of us or above, to generate an effect, “accordion” or wave-chained with the traffic that follows.

The cars behind the one that initially hit the brake, they will react the same, dimming the speed and even to stop. The jam from the back, spreads more quickly than the capacity of reaction (to gain speed) of the cars in front of you. In the end, the one who triggers it tends to continue to circulate without problems, even without realizing the mess that has been left behind.

In this way, the so-called “ratcheting”, consisting of the toggle the priority of step-in-lane with narrowings, will be very positive in order to avoid withholdings since the alternating step facilitates the circulation on both routes, leading to traffic more fluid and avoiding the formation of a jam, to form a single lane. And so what they remember from the Twitter account of the Civil Guard:

at The same time, the institute also recommends always avoid the “voyeur”, which is no other than the star vehicle that slow motion to look at what has happened in other lanes (usually an accident) causing the circulation to be affected in a global manner in all the way.

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