Jena (dpa/th) – Four free-roaming horses ran across a federal road in the Saale-Holzland district on Tuesday and collided with a car. The 48-year-old driver braked when the animals crossed the B7 near Kleinlöbichau, but was unable to stop the car in time, the police said on Tuesday. The vehicle collided with two of the four horses. The driver was only slightly injured in the accident. However, one of the horses died at the scene of the accident. The three other horses initially fled.
According to the police, the animals were found a little later in the garden of a kindergarten. Another injured horse was taken to an animal hospital, according to police. The other two horses remained in the kindergarten while the search for the animal owner took place, it was said. The owner was found in the late morning. The police are now investigating how the animals roamed freely.