"Two white spots" – The current corona numbers explained for you

145,472 new corona cases were reported to the RKI for yesterday. Compared to the previous week, this is a slight minus of about ten percent.

The 7-day average of new cases falls below 89,000 cases. This is the lowest reading since July 3.

The recent trend reversal in the 7-day case numbers in a weekly comparison is thus stabilizing. The current value is about eight percent in the red.

However, the rates of change in active cases compared to the previous week are still positive – although the increases are increasingly lower here too.

The nationwide 7-day incidence rises from 665 to 679 the day before. Saarland is the only federal state above the incidence threshold of 1000, while Hamburg, Berlin and Thuringia remain below the 500 mark.

The incidence is only falling in three of the 16 federal states: in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.

This should also be related to the late reports from the weekend. The data situation remains opaque, as many federal states do not transmit to the RKI, especially at the weekend.

The data problems in the districts of Heinsberg and Günzburg are exemplary. Both have not transmitted any numbers for days. However, this is not because there are no new infections there. From Günzburg it is said, for example, that software glitches led to an involuntary stop in reporting.

Also, not all infected people are allowed to do a PCR test, which is included in the statistics. It can therefore be assumed that there are significantly more corona infected people than reported.

187 new corona deaths were reported to the RKI for yesterday. This is an increase of 83 percent compared to the previous week.

The 7-day average of deaths is also increasing. It is above 100 for the first time since the end of May.

Every day we hear the new Corona case numbers. But what do they mean, where are we in the pandemic and what is the trend? Laurin Meyer briefly and concisely explains and evaluates the current figures – every morning.

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