Vocal courts of the CGPJ reject that the IU counselor resigns appealing to institutional degradation

The plenary session of the General Council of the Judiciary held this Thursday has highlighted the division of opinions regarding the resignation of the counselor appointed by Izquierda Unida, Concepción Sáez. According to legal sources reported to EL MUNDO, the member has read the letter to her colleagues with the reasons for her resignation, where it is argued that the situation of the body seems “unsustainable” and that she is leaving office to avoid further degradation institutional. Sáez’s position has been directly rejected by the members Enrique Lucas and José María Macías during the plenary session.

The first of them has addressed Sáez to indicate that he develops a public function as a member and that, therefore, he has an obligation to remain in office. This counselor, appointed at the proposal of the PNV, has argued that there is no room for a resignation as a member for “political reasons.” Lucas has also indicated that he must defend the institutional framework and has urged his colleagues not to accept the resignation.

For his part, the vocal Macías has urged the alternate president of the Council, Rafael Mozo, not to accept Sáez’s resignation based on the reasons he has now given for leaving the governing body of judges. Likewise, the members Wenceslao Olea and Vicente Guilarte have also disfigured their partner for the reasons given to present her resignation as a member of the Judiciary.

In contrast, the member Álvaro Cuesta has praised the resignation of Sáez although the former Socialist deputy has not announced that he will follow his example nor has he once again proposed a collective resignation of the members. However, the last word on the resignation of the IU counselor corresponds by law to the president of the Council, that is, to Mozo.

On the other hand, today the Plenary unanimously approved the reports on six bills: Law on Families, Law on Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings, Law on Age Assessment, Law on Criminal Responsibility of Minors, Law on Classified Information and Law for the creation of the independent administrative authority for the defense of financial clients.

In contrast, the body has given the green light to the report on the draft Law on Classified Information, popularly known as the Official Secrets Law, although with several particular votes.

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