Winkeler Brentano house: Sofa with seven legs looking lovers

The first godfather quickly decided to go with Josephine. The four-year-old daughter of Antonia and Franz Brentano, with her brown head of curls had been immortalized in 1808 by Joseph Karl Stieler, Oil on canvas. The restoration needed for the “object no. 22” is regarded as relatively low, but also the cleaning will cost a considerable sum of money. Around 1400 Euro for it. But for this sum of one of the approximately 150 members of the circle of friends the Brentano house is already on hand. The patron of the arts is one of the first patent obtained for the restoration of the equipment of the Red Lounges in the Brentano house.

Oliver Bock

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Many more to follow. In the Red Salon, 25 sites are in the early restoration, including a beautiful wave chest of drawers in walnut, a neo-classical mirror and a neoclassical Sofa with seven legs. The Sofa has especially suffered: The upholstery is worn and in some Places ripped, an armrest is broken, the upholstery dirty. According to high the expense is.

The Chairman of the circle of friends, the former curator Gerd-and-White, expecting 5000 euros just for the Sofa. For all 25 objects around 50,000 euros to be due. Is hardly cheaper, the cleaning of the beautiful oil Painting of Franz Brentano, who also painted by Joseph Karl Stieler is.

Impressive, almost completely preserved inventory

The ongoing renovation of the Brentano house in angle is financially covered, but the same is not true for the historical equipment. Not for the bed, in which Goethe once slept, and not even for his Desk. But his little bedroom and his study, he had, during his visit to the Rheingau region as a guest of the Brentanos related, come only later in the series, as well as the adjoining large Salon and small library.

The Red Salon is the first among the five historic rooms, whose interior is complete renovation. Previously, he had been from the ground floor to the first floor is laid, where its historically correct location was. Now it comes to the impressive, almost completely preserved inventory of equipment items from the late 18th century. Century. Thanks to historical recordings is not exactly known, where a mirror and a Sofa stood, and where this or that painting hung.

Overall, the 2015 started renovation of the Brentano house is progressing well. The building envelope from the middle of the 18th century. Century has been renovated completely, even if the sensitive façade period required for well attention and care. While in the left part of the building restoration preliminary run, is the right in the middle of the renovation phase. But first, the Red Salon is ready.

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