Auto salon Geneva GIMS: a New rescue proposal – view

due To the cancellation of the Geneva motor show in 2020, through the Bundesrat, the organizing Geneva International Motor Show (GIMS) is in payment difficulties. Although many of the invoices were paid, remain open claims. And the car salon has no more money.

Therefore, the Canton of Geneva has promised to a call for help of the GIMS, a loan in the amount of 16.8 million francs. Not established but entirely altruistic claims to this assistance package. The GIMS should assign in the future, the organization of the auto-salons of the trade fair organisers, Palexpo SA, and also guarantee that the auto salon will also take place in the coming year.

Geneva government wants to Salon 2021

To do this, you need to know: The Palexpo SA with its exhibition halls, at the airport site belongs to 80 per cent of the Canton of Geneva. Therefore, the government has a great interest to keep the largest public fair of Switzerland in Geneva and the next year – after all, you go to a turnover of around 250 million Swiss francs. The GIMS-organizers syringe considered the offer of the Geneva government with the mandatory requirements, but as an attempt of a hostile Takeover, waived, and that this state financial, and established it officially in order that the conditions imposed were not contrary to the articles of Association of the GIMS Foundation.

exhibitors want only pushes 2022 again

the fact that the government insists on the implementation of the auto salons in 2021, much in part to a lack of understanding. Many exhibitors, such as, for example, the Amag does not clearly say that they were from 2021 to Geneva for the Autosalon. “In addition to the General economic crisis, we don’t know how the Corona pandemic developed. A second wave is coming in the Winter? A short-term Salon to be cancelled, we can’t afford it,” said Amag CEO Morten Hannesbo. He found it much better to focus on a next edition in 2022. Perhaps also in consultation with the IAA in Munich. With a year alternately in Munich and in Geneva, the biennial trade fair of the Amag CEO, and many other exhibitors could live quite.

skepticism about the second offer,

As a reaction to the negative feedback of the GIMS to the planned financial contribution from the Canton of Geneva made it last Friday night with a second offer – continue to 16.8 million francs in prospect, this time, without binding obligations. At least at first glance. François Launaz, President of the importer Association Auto-Schweiz and strong representative of the GIMS organization, but he remains skeptical. He says the latest government proposal: “The Canton of Geneva insists on an implementation of the output of 2021. Even if it is not made explicit in the proposal. The corresponding regulation should be designed in such a way that this would be a mandatory condition for the disbursement of the loan.” Launaz know that up to 30. August, the Referendum could be taken, therefore, everything until the end of August would remain in limbo. “And the time to March 2021 the Salon on the legs, is actually already too tight.”

Low chances for the second proposal

Launaz makes no secret of the fact, what he thinks of the new rescue package of the Geneva government – nothing. “Therefore,” says the car-Switzerland-the President and the GIMS-Board of Trustees member, “must continue the GIMS Foundation in their search for other sources of funding. And this will do!” The diplomatic act of the new GIMS-Director Sandro Mesquita: “We are pleased that our Position was understood by the Geneva cantonal Parliament and now a second proposal has been received. Because in the first version of the draft law, proposed changes to the management structure, neither a value nor a guarantee of success for the GIMS was quite the opposite.” But what should we do now? Mesquita: “next, we will discuss the terms and conditions of the loan with the Council of state. Then the loan must be formally approved by the GIMS-the Board of Trustees.”

reductions in costs, fear of a second wave

As for Hannesbo clear but also for the Mesquita, that it will be in the next year, again no auto-salon in Geneva. “We have not received from the majority of manufacturers and importers of very clear signals that, for you to participate in 2021 comes from two reasons. First, because the industry is affected by a major crisis, which leads to extensive cost-cutting programs. Secondly, because the health Situation remains due to the Corona-pandemic for the beginning of next year very uncertain, and you want to risk a second rejection.”

Definitely decide whether or not it will be 2021 and/or 2022 in a car salon in Geneva, wants the Board of Trustees of the GIMS-until the end of this month.

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