Bicycle radar and airbag vest: what bicycle gadgets can do for safety

Although fewer and fewer cyclists are dying on Germany’s roads, around 370 died in accidents last year. Can special bicycle gadgets improve the sense of security?

Although fewer and fewer cyclists are dying on Germany’s roads, around 370 died in accidents last year.

Anja rides her bike every day. Despite having a roadworthy bike and a helmet, she often feels unsafe. Together with ADFC expert Stefan Behrendt, she tries out various gadgets in the ntv mobil podcast that are intended to improve the sense of security.

Anja tested a foldable rear view mirror for the wrist including LED lighting for 40 euros and a USB rear light with brake function for around 27 euros. She is also trying out a bicycle radar with a camera function for around 400 euros – the associated app is free. An airbag vest that works with special cartridges and is therefore reusable is also being tested for just under 700 euros.

ntv mobil podcast, the podcast for the mobility of today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow with Norman Adelhütte.

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