Colleges in Corona Mortis: The offensive limitations of the digital teaching

Since mid-March, the German students have Online teaching. Teachers are always present in a better to, to use an elegant balance between the various platforms, switches, and interactive Tools to. However, something Essential, namely, the presence is missing. Now the power of the dialogue in shows of learning, and here the path leads directly from the digital discourses of Habermas and learning theorists such as Ruf and Gallin to Socrates. His teaching in the “dialogues” is subject-oriented and content– oriented, in that it has quite a bit of the often-maligned service.

But teaching is not always of service, service to the people? The daily, weekly struggle, the understand To the value and usefulness of the complex-mediated content – and, if we talk of colleges, also apply? Dialogic Learning is a permanent exchange, is a process. And for this process it needs the newer learning theory studies the whole person show, in short: the presence. The is demanding – physically and mentally.

The heroes of the Online teaching at universities and, occasionally, discreetly promoted by a supposedly philanthropic companies such as Google et al., claiming to be the spear tip of a movement. But, whether willingly or not, they feed the development of higher education institutions in the sender formatted learning-are Units that can be bit by bit, depending on your needs and willingness to pay, send, stream or non-linear, individual recall. The provisional rather rhetorical than technical, which is equipped, by the way, most male avant-garde does not bother more the fact that it is actually a single cost-saving measure; your economist skills are viewed as a competitive advantage. She enjoys the Tools, because the capacity is mainly defined technically, not in terms of content, consideration must be. Yes, Online makes you fit and at the same time – lazy.

The Professor is not a supernatural being and more

Why not to have noticed the Hardcore online community actually, so far, that in the case of Marketing and media modules for my Department, I can say that almost all hip the success of formats are analog? The combines the Design Thinking Workshop with discussion formats such as the Fish Bowl and Open Space or fire-Sprints. Of course, for the viewer it is occasionally curious to the care with which adults draw and scribblen, Post-its sticking and often more fun than actually pioneering prototypes of possible products Tinker. But: All work, all are fascinated by the Haptic. And always the work is analog even when digital products are developed.

It is obvious: We need to sit together, to to deal. The means of communication of the presence make all the difference, and are also a basis of teaching relationships. Hattie’s famous “Know thy impact” (for example: “Know thy impact”) is the online hard to imagine. The digital teaching, to which we are urged to be at the expense of subtlety. The subtle differences separate average learning units of a fascinating teaching. The opportunity to react spontaneously, when one looks into a series of clueless or indifferent faces. The modulation possibilities of the voice – in the case of digital Transmission, often grotesquely distorted. To feel the different ways to put breaks in, how substance, such as from an information vortex gradually substance.

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