Companies CEOE, Fundación Telefónica, KPMG, LinkedIn, Microsoft and Universia join forces to improve employability in Spain

In a joint effort to address the challenge of unemployment and the skills gap in Spain, the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), Fundación Telefónica, KPMG, LinkedIn, Microsoft and Universia have joined forces in a strategic alliance. Under the initiative called “Talent Node”, this group of companies and organizations seeks to promote employability and talent management in the current context of Spain.

Youth unemployment in Spain remains a major challenge, with almost one in three people under 25 years of age out of work. The youth unemployment rate stood at a worrying 27.94% in the second quarter of the year, highlighting the difficulties that young people face in entering the world of work. At the same time, many Spanish companies recognize the difficulty of finding professional profiles suitable for their needs.

The “Talent Node” project is based on two main initiatives: “Event in a Box” and “Talent Analytics”. The first, led by Microsoft, focuses on guiding job seekers into the digital world, even if they do not have specific studies in technology. The goal is to help a thousand people each year find their calling in this field.

The second initiative, “Talent Analytics,” involves an annual study at the sector or functional level to understand the differences between the supply and demand of current and future talent. The aim is to identify positions in high demand, such as those related to sustainability (ESG), and propose solutions and actions to satisfy the needs of the labor market.

In addition, “Talent Node” will join the European initiative “Reskilling for Employment” (R4E), promoted by the European Round Table for Industry (ERT). This collaboration seeks to improve the competitiveness of Spanish talent and adapt qualifications to the needs of the productive fabric. It offers professional retraining opportunities to the unemployed and people at risk of unemployment, promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

A notable aspect of this business alliance is the rotating presidency, which begins with Juanjo Cano, president of KPMG, who points out the fundamental aspect of Nodo Talento, “our responsibility as a society must focus on the competitive management of talent to promote a fair, equitable and diverse educational system that supports the development of skills and abilities that the labor market needs.

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