Corona-restrictions: Uni Gießen is anticipating for the summer of 2021, with normal operation

The University of Giessen expects that, due to the Corona pandemic in the winter semester, many lectures are just digital can be offered. On a “full return to the social and academic normality” hope for the summer of 2021, said in a Wednesday Letter published by the University Executive Committee to the members of the University.

in view of the decline of the infection numbers and the “apparent normality” in restaurants and the pedestrian zones, it was understandable that some students and teachers “mild impatience” emerging. “A study should not be a lonely thing in front of the computer screen, and research also relies on the direct exchange with others.” All would return “today rather than tomorrow, to normality, to the students and staff back to a real Uni life allow”.

“Direct responsibility for the pandemic to happen”

the Bureau and the departments were not, however, agree that this is still possible. “As a large University in a small town we carry for the development of the pandemic, what is happening in casting a direct responsibility.” Therefore, you will not remain in the remaining weeks of the summer semester in digital teaching.

It is expected that also in the winter semester, a large part of the Lectures and seminars only online could take place because the current sanitation and clearance rules likely would continue to apply. The rooms of the University should then only be used for events, for the personal presence absolutely necessary.

The lecture period of the current summer semester ends at the University of Giessen regular at 17. July. Parts of courses or examinations, but may 31 is still up to the. October, take place.

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