Despite inflation, a record amount of donations was recorded in 2022

Despite purchasing power eroded by high inflation, a record amount of 3.2 billion euros in donations to associations was declared for tax by individuals in 2022, according to a study published Friday by the Associative Network Research and Solidarity .

According to this document established in collaboration with Bercy services, this amounts to a little more than 3 billion euros in the context of income tax (up 6.3%) and a just over 200 million in real estate wealth tax (IFI), up 9%. Donations are declared for taxes, because they entitle you to tax reductions.

With donations from individuals (excluding legacies) which are not declared for taxes (donations in the street, rounding at checkouts, etc.), this associative network of experts estimates that donations from individuals could be between 5.4 and 5. 6 billion euros, up 8%, for the year 2022.

The Red Cross at the top of donations

“People who give judged that, despite inflation which is eroding purchasing power, a special effort was necessary to support people in difficulty. The increase in collection far exceeds the inflation rate,” estimated at 5.2% by INSEE, Jacques Malet, president of Recherches et solidarités, told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The Red Cross, which has mobilized a lot for Ukraine, is in 2022 the organization which received the most donations from individuals, ahead of the Restos du coeur. In September, the latter launched an appeal for generosity from the public, claiming to lack 35 million euros to end the financial year in balance.

Followed by Secours catholique, the French Association against muscular dystrophy, Médecins sans frontières, the French committee for Unicef ??and Médecins du monde, indicates this annual study entitled “The generosity of the French”

Young people give as much as older people in proportion to their income: 2.5% of their declared income, the same proportion as those aged 70 and over, and more than those aged 30-70 (less than 2%). “With an upward trend for young people and a downward trend for those aged 70 and over,” notes Mr. Malet.

Some 4.9 million tax households declared at least one donation in 2022, up 3.9% from the previous year, after falling in 2021 compared to 2020.

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