Higher motor Vehicle tax: SUV-pay drivers in the future on it

in the Midst of the crisis of the car industry in the act, burst design on the reform of motor vehicle tax. The content is controversial, as large, heavy, powerful cars are likely to be charged with internal combustion engines in the future. Including many of the popular SUV vehicles. It is, therefore, to the market, with the German manufacturers currently earn the money, you do not need to be able to change to alternative drive systems are in place.

Manfred Schäfers

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Ilka Kopplin

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The total revenue from the Car tax from the current level of around 9.5 billion euros is unlikely to change much. In the case of vehicles approved in accordance with the turn of the year, for the first time, it will, however, lead to noticeable shifts. “The tax will change in comparison to the usual height,” – said in the draft. As before, the motor vehicle is to be calculated tax from engine displacement and a climate component. The first Element remains the same, to stabilize the volume.

The second Element is compounded, for each level of CO2 is determined set, the individual amounts are then added: To 95 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre, the rate is zero, it follows a level of 96 to 115 grams per kilometre with a tax rate of 2 euros per gram, and kilometers. The next two levels ranging from 116 to 135 and from 136 to 155 grams per kilometre, with rates of 2.20 euros up to 4 euros (about 195 grams per kilometre).

by the end of 2030

extended According to the draft law, the average of the 3.6 million in 2019, all newly registered cars stood at 157 grams per kilometre. According to the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) accounted for approximately a fifth of all cars on the Segment of SUV, the sporty SUV is the strongest Segment of the goods carriage to the compact car. Almost 30 percent of new car registrations met with between 161 and 200 grams of CO2 per kilometre. More than 9 per cent, surpassing even the mark of 201 grams.

In the case of more stringent motor Vehicle tax many popular higher-priced models for future buyers would be more expensive, and in April approved the VW Touareg came in the middle about the different types of fuel to around 226 grams of CO2 per kilometre, the Range Rover by Land Rover at around 245 grams, the Porsche Cayenne in the middle to about 221 grams. For comparison: the New VW Golf launched in the mid 120 grams.

Higher fuel consumption will in future be at the gas station financially tangibly, as it says in the draft. “At the next regular buying a new Car without prohibitions and penalty tax should fall’ on a product that meets the individual needs and at the same time, with regard to its emission potential for the requirement to reduce the climate-damaging CO2 emissions.” The ten-year exemption of pure electric vehicles from the motor Vehicle tax is extended until the end of 2030.

there is An exception, meanwhile, for all-terrain vehicles with open cargo space: such pick-ups, which are mainly in America but also among individuals of great popularity, are not intended to be as light commercial vehicles classified,to strain, for example, craftsmen in the Corona-crisis.

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