How do I tell my child?: What is the Great thing about wasps

but It’s also really nasty: they’re small and hectic, they look to be Afraid of, and it is available in mass, they are attracted by many things with which we sweeten our summer, and they can sting. No wonder people are afraid of wasps. The fear, as that is sometimes, the thing will only get worse. The thing with the hustle and bustle, at least, and with the danger that the wasps stinging us.

Fridtjof Küchemann

editor in the features section.

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Maybe it helps to know a bit more about the animals. Wasps are pretty interesting. And useful. You are even protected, because they are so important. You can not believe, if they cannot be exterminated on the balcony of the Breakfast jam. Who kills wasps, or even their nests destroyed, you must pay a fine if it occurs more often in the thousands can go.

What makes wasps so useful? That they prey on other insects, pests, but also flies and mosquitoes, and in huge quantities. It takes fifteen to twenty titmouse pairs to catch the same amount of insect like a large Wasp colony. Unlike bees wasps feed their offspring, not with pollen and honey, but with masticated caterpillars, maggots and insects. For sweets, only two of the wasp species that occur in us, but two suggests fairly widespread, such as your Name, namely the German wasp and the common wasp are interested in – “common” here has nothing to do with “nasty”, but more “General”, is usually. With sweets, these species feed themselves, but also their Young Queens. The are the only ones in an entire Wasp colony that survive the Winter. They hatch in late summer, if too many drones, so male wasps are reared, mate, are made with sugar-rich food for the Winter fit and then look for a well-protected hideout.

This is the reason why it seems to be in the summer, getting worse and worse with the wasps: their search for food is more and more Sweet. So, even on our cakes, our bread and Jam in our Limo. It’s annoying, but it helps only one thing: to cover and to watch out for. And calm, so as not to bring the wasps out of the rest. Wasps seem just as hectic, if you are flying always so back and forth, they are actually just short-sighted and look at what you are interested in, first of all from different angles.

to be Nervous when they feel threatened, but who will not? If it flails, after you propose, you want to drive into the Close, then you become aggressive. Also, if you want to be blown away, because they feel the carbon dioxide in the air we breathe is threatened. Of course, it brings up the most when you are attacking their Nest. Or if you believe that you want to attack your Nest, because you can’t get Accidentally too close. It can’t just get used to people at wasps, but wasps to people. In a school in Backnang, it should have given up a hornet’s nest directly above the entrance, the hornets are flown half a Meter over the heads of the students and of their Out-and-pure-do not be nervous to make. Conversely, the people did not lose their nerve, and nothing happened.

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the majority of the people in front of hornets, the largest in us occurring wasps have even more anxiety. The sting, however, even rarer than their smaller Relatives. Her stitch hurts so, because the sting is greater. That three hornet stings can kill a human, is a fairy tale. And if one is stung once by a wasp? No matter what kind of: It helps very well to cool the stitch or half an onion just to lay. In the case of a stitch in the throat but if you swallow Accidentally Drink a wasp, it is said: to the doctor immediately.

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