How do I tell my child?: Why are some people Red and Green can not distinguish

we can perceive the world in many different colors, we owe six million cones. The sensory cells that sit on the skin in our eye on the network hot. You take red, blue or green light and transmit this Information to our brain. Also, they are for visual acuity responsible. In addition to the cones on the retina, the so-called sticks. Approximately 120 million shares each person has. They help us to distinguish between light and dark, and react therefore much more sensitive to bright light than the cones.

Madeleine Brühl


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As we the world will perceive, is already determined at our birth, namely, in our DNA, in our chromosomes. Through changes, it may happen that genes work properly. An error can result in, for instance, that the pins can include other or no color stimuli. People for whom this is so, have a Color vision deficiency. Thus it is necessary to distinguish between color blindness and Color vision deficiencies.

anyone Can detect any colors, it is called total colour blindness or achromatopsia. Due to a genetic error, the pin can not transfer the color stimuli and regress over time. This disease is very rare, in Germany there are only about three thousand people. Color-blind people see their surroundings in Black-and-White contrasts and very fuzzy, without a working spigot, you have a vision, a maximum of twenty percent. Since the rods are not really designed for the light conditions of the day, to feel Achromatic objectives already in normal light blinded. Whether people with achromatopsia are aware of the fact that you see the world only in black-and-white, we do not know however.

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color blindness, one can see even in babies. In these people the brain is trying to fix a sharp point in the area. However, because the eyesight is not sufficient, it cannot be done. So the brain is trying it with a different point. So it is that the eyes move all the time back and forth. This uncontrolled eyes, a note on achromatopsia is shaking for the eye doctor.

As you can tell, whether one has the weakness of a Color?

it is Different eyesight for Color. Although these defects are not inherited, however, it comes with the so-called Dyschromatopsien to the complete failure of the Farbsinns. Instead, the Affected colors are perceived differently and sometimes have problems to tell them apart. Depending on what Type is concerned, a distinction is made between Red, Green, and blue blindness. The most common are Red and Green-weaknesses in widely used, because they are inherited via the X chromosome. Because boys have only one X chromosome, they are affected more often than girls. But that is no reason for concern: people with color-weakness, on average, have just as much vision as people without. And you don’t take your surroundings in black-and-white, but only some of the colors look a bit grey from than others. For example, people with a Blue-confuse weakness often light blue with gray, dark purple with black or orange with red. With a Red – or Green-weakness, these two colors can be distinguished only poorly. In Germany, about four million people have weakness of a Color.

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