One out of every three temporary contracts signed in the Basque country does not last one week

93% of all signed between 2009 and 2017 are of a temporary nature, according to the CRL

“it Costs a lot to access to a permanent contract of employment”, the report says. Only a little more than a third of what you get, and requires three years

it Is a constant complaint of the unions every month, when you analyse the results of unemployment, although the rate goes down. The high level of precariousness of the hiring is becoming a scourge of the labour market, so much so that 93% of the contracts made during the last eight years are temporary, and 30% of them have a duration of less than a week.

A report from the Council of Labour Relations (CRL) made public yesterday, and that is based on the contract information registered in the basque employment, Lanbide, notes, in addition, that women are the most affected by these contracts of less than 7 days, and therefore, by the rotation in the workplace.

According to this study, which analyzes the situation of the contracts between the years 2009 and 2017, the temporary contracts that have a duration of up to a month, account for half of those signed in that period of time, while the long-term contract account for a third of the time, a 35%.

At the opposite extreme, temporary contracts with a duration of more than one year do not reach even 1% of the temporary contracts.

The resource to the temporary hiring, which should be an exception in the business, and not the norm, it is common to the four large activity sectors -Construction, Services, Industry and Primary – and all of them represents close to 90%.

however, Industry and Services, and within these the Hospitality industry, are the branches that more use of temporary contracts of up to a week, while in the Primary sector and in the Construction prevail the storms of indeterminate duration.

in Addition, although the predominant full-time, in the analysed period gains ground on part-time work, reaching in 2017, a 40% of the contracts, almost six percentage points more than in 2009. Would have to see if those days partial are requested by the employee or imposed by the hiring, as they denounce the unions that occurs in the majority of occasions.

So the things, the people who sign a single contract per year account for more than half of the total number of persons employed over the period analyzed. The rest subscribes to two or more contracts on average, a situation which affects essentially women. And the largest increase occurs among those who sign a 11 or more contracts per year. Last year the workers who signed more than 11 contracts accounted for 5.4% of the total hired.

In fact, between 2009 and 2017 grew plus the number of contracts than the number of persons employed (46%, compared to 20.6 per cent, respectively), which translates into an increase of the rotation, the number of contracts per person, which has gone from 2.7 in 2009 to 3.2 in 2017.

The study by the Labour Relations Board concluded that “it costs a lot to access to an indefinite contract”. Only a little more than a third of what you get and accurate a period of 35 months. Women under 30 years to achieve this at a greater proportion, but after having chained a higher number of temporary contracts.

The indefinite contract is no longer the ‘job for life’, because, according to the report, “the signing of a permanent contract does not result in a temporary commitment long the person with the same company.” In fact, nearly 40% of those who signed a permanent contract, signed another contract in the next three years.

in Addition, there is a high rate of workers who move from a permanent contract to a temporary one or to substitute an indefinite for another indefinite different, although the report could not specify whether the change is due to a layoff or a job change.

Also noted in the report the high number of re-hires, that is to say contracts are made to the same persons by the same company associated with activities of the services sector as the health and social services, Cleaning and Landscaping, Inn and Trade, and to a lesser degree in Metallurgy and Manufacture of Metallic Products.

As a matter of positive in a report that should make you jump all the alarms, the Labour Relations Board points out that in the last year analyzed, 2017, “after several years of economic growth, there appears in sight a evolution is something more favorable than that observed in previous years”.

nevertheless, points that will have to wait for future analysis to determine if the improvements in turnover rates, growth, and presence of indefinite contracts “actually marks a new trend.”

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