Participate in the conference "Cities under tension: elected officials facing the energy crisis", on April 20

Here a swimming pool or a closed museum, there a construction site slowed down or suspended, elsewhere a planed heating temperature… Throughout France, the effects of the energy crisis are putting pressure on the territories, already confronted with the structural challenges of the fight against global warming . Faced with this crisis, what levers can elected officials activate to move towards sustainable sobriety? How to meet the needs of businesses and households?

This conference-debate entitled “Cities under tension – Elected officials facing the energy crisis” will bring together elected officials and experts in order to draw up medium and long-term solutions. Will attend:

This conference will be nourished by exchanges with the public – local actors and decision-makers, urban planners, architects and citizens. It will be hosted by Le Monde journalists Nabil Wakim (author of the “Human Heat” podcast) and Emmanuel Davidenkoff.

It is organized by Le Monde in partnership with France urbaine and La Poste Solution Business. The conference will be followed by a visit to the exhibition “Global Award for Sustainable Architecture” in the presence of the curator, Jana Revedin.

Morning program

8:30 a.m.: coffee reception at the City of Architecture and Heritage, Paris 16th.

9 a.m.: conference “Cities under tension – Elected officials facing the energy crisis”.

10:30 a.m.: visit to the exhibition “Global Award for Sustainable Architecture”.

11:30 a.m.: end of the event.

Free admission upon registration.

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