Pensions The CEOE "gives in" with the pension reform: "There is no possible negotiation" to modulate the rise in contributions

The business association has recognized this Monday that it has “given up” to the pension reform that the Government wants to approve and assumes that “there is no possible negotiation” to try to modulate the rise in social contributions that the Executive has proposed and that this That same afternoon they will analyze again in a meeting between the Ministry and the social agents.

“We are going to sit down but it cannot be said that it is a negotiation, it is a surrender, the reality is that they bring a reform already agreed with the European Commission, agreed within the Government and probably with the left groups and they want to carry it out via decree-law probably next week when the minister’s appearance in Parliament this Wednesday passes. There is no possible negotiation,” Rosa Santos, CEOE’s director of Labor Relations and negotiator for employers, admitted on Monday.

In his opinion, the reform “relies absolutely on the effort of workers and companies, it will increase labor costs, harming wages and it is a reform that does not imply any paradigm shift”, but in practice it is “a spill for the companies”.

“It is a proposal that is deeply regressive because, although it does not say so, it means working more to collect less pension. Both the MEI, which is a contribution from companies and workers to the State, and the solidarity quota, which is a tax on talent , they have no impact on the pension, so we pay more to collect the same. It is purely confiscatory, it is about taxes, the traditional contribution/benefit scheme is broken,” he lamented.

The CEOE spokeswoman has also denounced that although on Friday they asked the minister to send the social partners the documentation justifying how the reform will guarantee the sustainability of Social Security, they have still not received anything: “Nothing has arrived It is one of the requests that we made to the Ministry on Friday but we still do not have the projections that are supposed to have been used to convince the European Union. Perhaps they will bring them to the table this afternoon,” he said.

The Ministry has summoned the negotiating teams of CEOE, Cepyme, UGT and CCOO this afternoon to continue advancing in the talks and refine an agreement, which is expected to be closed only with the unions.

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