The recent tightening of the rules in the road traffic regulations (StVO) not only bring motorists into a sweat, which is dangerous rapidly to local roads. The efforts of the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), a part of the new sanctions, to take back, and the discovery of a procedural error, the easier this all of a sudden, lead to dispute between Scheuer and the countries transport Ministers and in the Federal government.
Kerstin Schwenn
business correspondent in Berlin.
F. A. Z.
if you drive too fast, the the since the end of April in force StVO-Novelle hart: A motorist, the speed in the place exceeds the prescribed maximum of 21 kilometers, or outside the locality to 26 kilometres in the hour, punished not only the higher fine threatening than in the past, but also a one-month driving ban. It is not just to speeders in front of schools and kindergartens. Also who is going to miss the new Tempo 30 sign of the four-lane main street, with the Tempo of 51 flashed, quickly sits in the “driving-event”. Scheuer responded by the middle of may to protests from motorists and announced that he wanted to correct the new rules. “We keep the increase to be disproportionate,” he said at the time. “The ban on driving should be eliminated. We have already approached the Federal States, which must agree to it.“
Some countries have signalled Scheuer quickly consent, nevertheless, the drivers had to leave the new rules in the last few weeks against itself. A surprising turn was followed on Thursday: The Ministers of transport agreed to put the stricter rules in the case of fast Driving, until further notice, except for law enforcement.
Who is responsible for the error?
The reason for this is Due to a formal error – the legal basis for the bans is not cited is the amendment null and void. The blame of the SPD looks to be led by the Federal Ministry of justice in the CSU-led Ministry of transport. The error in the input formula was not determined due to too short a period of time and has been criticized, said a spokesman of Minister of justice Christine Lambrecht (SPD). The audit had “only cursorily, and not in the usual depth is”.
shy defended himself against the accusation. “In Corona times, there were often greatly shortened deadlines. Now it’s about solutions and not about the past,“ he said on Friday. According to the assessment of his house in the form of error “offers the opportunity, together with the right position to restore the proportionality of the sanctions again”.
The Bavarian interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) said after the switching of the conference of the länder Ministers on Thursday, driving bans, according to the new catalog of fines would, for the time being imposed everywhere. In most of the countries of the old catalog will be applied.