Savings plan against billions in deficit: health insurance contributions rise to record levels

In the coming year, the health insurance companies will have to cover a deficit of 17 billion euros. In order to compensate for the deficit, Health Minister Lauterbach is now pursuing a tough austerity course. The additional contributions are to increase by 0.3 percentage points – with massive effects.

According to information from the editorial network Germany (RND), the additional contributions for statutory health insurance (GKV) will increase by 0.3 points in the coming year, as originally announced. This results from amendments by the coalition factions to the austerity law of Health Minister Karl Lauterbach from the SPD, which is intended to cover the deficit of 17 billion euros expected for 2023, the RND reported.

When presenting its savings law in the summer, Lauterbach announced an increase in the additional contribution by 0.3 points to 1.6 percent, resulting in a record total of 16.2 percent of gross wages. Last week, the group of statutory health insurance estimators indicated in its forecast that an increase in the additional contribution of just 0.2 points could also be possible.

In addition to the legally stipulated general contribution rate of currently 14.6 percent, the statutory health insurance companies can charge an additional contribution. The amount is determined by each fund itself. The average additional contribution rate is set as an operand by the Federal Ministry of Health by ordinance.

Lauterbach’s savings plans have also caused dissatisfaction with the panel doctors. Hundreds of doctors have already protested against the measures in several federal states. Numerous practices remained closed for a short time or restricted their operations. The leading association of specialist physicians in Germany had nationwide under the motto

In Baden-Württemberg, physicians from 300 practices opposed the planned change, said the deputy head of the Medi medical association, Norbert Smetak. “Patients will get appointments less quickly and will have to wait longer.” New patients are people who have not visited a practice for more than two years. If they are referred to a specialist, they are also new patients there.

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