School in the pandemic: Teachers’ association calls for uniform corona regulations

The German Teachers’ Association has called for an end to the different corona regulations in schools. Before the meeting of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs at the end of the week, Association President Heinz-Peter Meidinger called in the “Rheinische Post” for uniform criteria for tests, compulsory masks and the required minimum distance in schools in the event of sharply increasing incidences.

Likewise, the infection and quarantine numbers would have to be recorded weekly nationwide. “The biggest annoyance for us as a teachers’ association is the fact that with the corona measures, a relapse into the wildest small-state politics has currently taken place,” Meidinger told the newspaper.

The representative of the teachers criticized that the mask requirement had been completely abolished in some federal states, elsewhere only partially. Tests of the pupils would be handled equally differently. In Thuringia, in addition to the mask requirement, the tests were abolished, whereby the schools “are released for contamination”. In the federal state, a mask requirement applies in the classroom only from certain warning levels, but in the school building in principle. Mandatory tests are only required from the highest warning level.

Virologist calls for “Freedom Day” for minors

Virologist Klaus Stöhr supports the call for easing restrictions in schools. The scientist spoke in the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Tuesday) for the end of all corona measures – the “Freedom Day” – for minors. “They should all be considered vaccinated or recovered and masks in schools and the test requirement for this group disappear.” With the mass tests of children “just senseless money burned”.

The chief executive of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Andreas Gassen, told the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Tuesday) that children have “among other things as a result of the corona measures now become an easy prey for viruses that could hardly harm them earlier”. He does not consider a mask requirement in schools to be necessary if tests are carried out in parallel.

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