The communities provincial pull of the Spanish economic growth compared to the slowdown Catalan

the Basque Country and Navarre at the head of the increase in GDP this year and next

Catalonia is situated between the communities to the tail of the growth

The report of Funcas showed that the slowdown of the Spanish economy affects very unevenly between the REGIONS

The Basque Country and Navarra, the two communities were granted by charter, are at the head of the growth of the autonomous communities, ranking above the state average, with growth above 3%. The report forecasts growth for this year and for the following presented by Funcas, says the slowdown of the Spanish economy, which remains positive and above the european registries, (to 2.6% for this year and 2.2% for the next) but that clarísimamente “loses strength”, and that this deceleration affects in a very uneven way to the various autonomous communities. Thus, seven communities will accelerate or maintain the rate of growth respect to 2017 and, among them, in addition of the Basque Country and Navarra, is located Galicia, Cantabria or Madrid. In contrast, the ten remaining will suffer a slowdown in growth, increasing its GDP, below the state average .

Called attention especially to the situation of Catalonia, which is definitely placed among the communities to the tail of the growth in Spain accusing the consequences of the procés. The forecast points to a growth of 2.4% for this year (nine tenths less than in 2017) and 2% for the following, as a result of some “indicators for the industrial sector lost momentum,” construction, where “the work is residential, it loses force, and only compensates with the public work”, and the “sharp decline in arrival of tourists”: it is the region that suffers the fall more intense after the Canary islands”.

The leaders of Funcas, Carlos Ocaña and Raymond Torres, who presented the report in Bilbao, have been located precisely in the dependence of the tourism good part of the fall in some REGIONS, while that in which they grow are characterized by an “industrial sector, more diversified”.

The slowdown in tourism is particularly affected, in addition to Catalonia, the Balearic islands and the Canary islands.

inequalities in what refers to the growth has also reflected in the employment. As pointed out by Torres, in 2019, the unemployment rate will be below 10% in seven AUTONOMOUS communities ( Aragón, Cantabria, Castilla-León, Catalonia, Navarra, Basque Country and La Rioja. By against the unemployment will remain at level of 20% in area as Andalucía, Canarias and Extremadura.

In the communities that grow the Basque Country and Navarre, the report puts the key in the strength of the industrial sector.

In regard to the Basque Country forecasts Funcas put the growth at 3.3% this year and 2.7% for the following, over and above those laid down by the basque Government, essentially based on the good situation of the industry, the rebound of the construction and the good situation of the tourism sector, already consolidated,

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