The DN of the Debate. Permissive agency for education does not hold a rogue is gone

friskolereformen was implemented in the mid-1990’s Sweden is one of the first countries in the world with the most freedom of choice, where free school choice, the freedom of establishment, with considerable pedagogical freedom. At the same time is not skolmarknaden that is what the market is like at any time. This is the so-called pseudomarknad, in which the traditional mechanisms are compromised. The policy sets the price, the children and their parents to decide, while the taxpayers, who collectively pay for. For this, in the end, work, play, mechanisms of control, and the government cutback of the serious actors with a vital role. A new survey can be of the Moderate youth league, the day of the show, that the controls don’t work.

the Swedish schools Inspectorate is, since 2008, the agency which has the responsibility for the control of all the country’s schools, and the establishment of new private schools. The agency’s mission, according to its website, ”to, among other things, to contribute to the enhancement of goal attainment, quality of the standards; periodically reviewing the quality of, and the supervision of the chief, and operations; communicate results of supervisory and quality assurance activities; and to act expeditiously in proceedings on the signals concerning instances of maladministration”.

and hence what is The specifically choose to audit. The way these audits are carried out should also be reviewed.

Socio-technical strong and highly-trained, parents can act as agency for education for their children, and thus to opt out of the class, with low-quality products. The state of the controls, and the government cutback of rogue traders is that it is not only restricted to them.

” We have gone through the Skolinspektionens the decisions of the last few years, in order to assess what the agency is specifically reviewing. We have also looked at the submissions regarding the penalty. Our conclusions can be summarised as follows:


the Swedish schools Inspectorate scrutinizes and observes, to a large extent, on the wrong things.

This is absolutely the most important thing in school is the quality of teaching and learning, and that students are able to study in peace and quiet. Influence of the school värdegrundsarbete, jämställdhetsplaners quality, and welfare are deemed to be secondary to the mission. In the last year, a total of 35 follow-up of periodic quality reviews, in secondary schools, stated the decision of the 67 comments on the things that are the school’s core assignment (quality and study environment), while 34 and the remarks made in regard to the secondary duties. This means that more than one in three of the note does not apply to the quality of education.

2. When The well is acting, so act, they are not sufficiently resolute.

The review of the Skolinspektionens submissions on penalty of a fine, it appears that the penalty only in exceptional cases will actually be imposed. Out of a total of 200.000.630 the crowns of the writ of execution from 2011 to 2017, the only 18.542.000 crowns has been imposed. As regards the legal interventions of the 30 schools are closed or placed under government management in the last decade, of a total of 24 813 following sports clubs are located in Sweden, a remarkably low figure.

Last year, addressed also to the national audit office criticism of the Inspectorate in which they said that the authority of the deficiencies in the follow-up of supervisory decisions. The remarks are, therefore, without The proper has been verified that the identified deficiencies are resolved and done. The national audit office also suggested that there is a lack of update’s adequacy, promptness, and transparency.

3 , Skolinspektionens audits are almost always announced. , As it can be checked in a variety of ways: either by the so-called ‘ desk-based, in which The request for information from the principal, or the school, or in the form of visits that may be announced or unannounced. In 2019 there were two more unannounced quality reviews where The reviewed the management of the national sample. In addition to higher quality audits can be unannounced visits occur at the granskningsformen targeted enforcement. The statistics of the percentage notified to the respective case of unannounced visits that take place during the targeted enforcement is not available, but is The himself, admits that the vast majority of the visits are registered. It provides the reviewed schools in a lot of time to prepare, the teachers and the students for the inspection.

the Swedish schools Inspectorate is a key authority in order to ensure that all schools are good schools, but their reviews should always focus on the dissemination of knowledge, and the quality is the same. Skolinspektionens the misplaced focus of attention is, unfortunately, symptomatic of the whole of the educational debate, which, over a long period of time, has been about more than just the school’s core assignment, to pass on knowledge. The direction of the skolpolitiken have to be directed with a common purpose: that learners ‘ proficiency is to be improved.

this is An important part of this change of course would be to reform the schools Inspectorate, and to clearly define the agency’s mission will be to follow up on the quality of teaching and learning, and the capacity of schools to improve the students ‘ level of achievement. In order to be The better able to perform their duties, we propose that a larger share of the agency’s oversight, and in-depth monitoring visits must be unannounced. With a surprise visit, it becomes more difficult for them to gloss over the business, and the situation in which teachers and students experience the day-to-day as The ” get to witness. Moreover, the need for a better follow-up of the decisions which the authority makes as to the defects which are not detected will remain untouched.

the children and their parents will be able to choose the program, geographic location, and others that fit the lives and the future for them as well. The families knows what is best for themselves, not the politicians and the bureaucrats. However, at the heart of the wide freedom of choice must be that no schools should be allowed to be poor. In Sweden, no child should have to inherit their parents ‘ social exclusion and other mishaps because of substandard schooling.

In the present scheme, the socio-economic, strong, and well-educated parents are, themselves, act as agency for education for their children, and thus to opt out of the class, with low-quality products. The state of the controls, and the government cutback of rogue traders is, therefore, that this issue is not just confined to them. Studies show that 30% to 40% of the inkomströrligheten can be explained by school enrollment. Therefore, policies need to ensure that all students leave school with a high level of knowledge. The, can, and should, play a vital role in maintaining the control mechanisms used to ensure that rogue traders are kept away from the skolmarknaden, and that all children are given the tools to determine their own future.
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