The DN of the Debate. The prevalence of the Pisa 2018 call for political courage in order to deal with

This is a good day. The results of Pisa show that american schools are strong and are on their way back to the learning outcomes, as in the class. The improvement is in the wise kunskapsreformer, focus on the school and the hard work of students, teachers, and school principals. But now, with the inequality in school to be a wake-up call to politicians of all colours.

this day, Tuesday, was launched in 2018, the year of the Pisa survey, which measures 15-year-old students ‘ skills in reading, mathematics, and physics. The survey shows very encouraging results from an increase in all subjects, and that the results are now back at the same level as in 2006. There is a statistically significant increase in all subjects from 2012. The results are better than the OECD average, and Sweden are now taking a second-place finish in the Nordic countries. Another good news is that the boys are in school in sweden, to enter upon the girls, for a long time, had better results in many subjects.

Against this backdrop, one can’t help but be deeply impressed by what the american schools have managed to achieve. School in sweden is very strong. When we break down the results of the different groups, we see that the performance of pupils with a Swedish background is back to the same level as in the year 2000, when Pisa was implemented for the first time, and was at the top.

The good news is that the boys are in school in sweden, to enter upon the girls, for a long time, had better results in many subjects.

This is what happens in the classroom is the single most important factor in raising learning outcomes, as. The government has focused on improving the quality of education through the:

more resources, more teachers, and higher teacher salaries. : Since the government took office in the year 2014 and work with 31,000 more workers in the Swedish school, which will provide better opportunities for students to learn more. The government has made it a priority to increase the importance of the teaching profession, including, among other things, higher teachers ‘ salaries. In the OECD’s Talis survey in the summer, we received a receipt for payment of the teachers feel that their professional status has increased, and that they will do better on the job.

Quality professional development for teachers. : the Government is now taking a greater responsibility for teachers to have access to and the quality of training, which would improve their ability to carry out high quality education in the country. For example, more than 64 000 pre-school teachers, teachers, and school librarians participated in the Läslyftet, and more than 18,000 teachers in their efforts to improve the field of special education, the competence of the school.

Targeted to the schools that need it the most. : the Government will now give grants to schools with low learning outcomes, as those with serious potential to improve student outcomes on their own. Then, in the year 2015, and 100 principals took part in the initiative the Collaboration of the best in the school.

in Sweden today has the most unequal schools in the region. This is the biggest problem in american schools, and as a long-term problem for the us. Not only that, we have to cope with the supply of know-how, but also to the children of today will fail in school are at risk, to get caught up in social problems and crime in the future.

it was in the past, one of the world’s most equitable and high performing education systems. With the januariavtalet as a result, the government has a broad reform agenda for the school, which is going to take us there again.


the Focus for more information. , so the results Should be on an upward trend need to focus on knowledge and education. For this reason, the government is developing a national action plan for the protection and study environment, which contains, inter alia, a mobilförbud at the time. We will review the course and ämnesplaner for an increased focus on the facts. Läxhjälpsgaranti for students who are at risk of not being qualified for upper secondary school and of the period of compulsory school attendance, for the new arrivals, who will come late to Sweden, will also be introduced.

2. More resources for the schools that need it the most. , as long As we have the skolsegregation, so we need to make sure that more resources are directed to those schools that need it the most. The students who are most in need of support, should be able to get to it. The government is therefore increasing the likvärdighetsbidraget of the primary school at sek 6.2 billion in 2021, at the same time, as more and more karriärtjänster be set up in the utanförskapsområden. 3 a Collection of more than one teacher. : the Government has invited key stakeholders to work together in order to deal with lärarbristen, to train more teachers and to continue to strengthen the läraryrkets the attractiveness of the region. The government’s investment in teaching assistants is an example of how a teacher can have more time to meet with each and every student.

4. Changing the rules of a private accommodation for asylum-seekers (ebo). , A large part of the skolsegregationen depends on the boendesegrationen. In order to reduce the potential for friction is introduced at the end of the rules, which means that asylum-seekers who are relocating to and living in private accommodation in areas of socio-economic challenges, as a general rule, shall not be entitled to a daily allowance.

5 on skolmarknaden, and a more equitable school choice. , It will be a privilege to be able to operate a school, not a right. The public needs to take back control of the new schools have not become established in such a way that they can contribute to an increase in friction, and the skolvalet to be designed so that it is free and fair for all students. The research shows that the current rules on school choice contributes to the skolsegregation, for example, independent schools may use the queue length as a selection criterion. The government has therefore appointed an inquiry to propose measures in order to reduce the skolsegregationen, among other things, that the criteria that are used when the number of students looking for a school than there are places.

6. Stop new religious private schools. By januariavtalet, we have a large majority of people, in order to stop the start-up of free-standing schools with a confessional orientation, which helps students with a certain background, gathered some of the schools. We are also in need of an improvement in the control of existing religious schools.

on A day like this, it is, of course, a lot of fun to be a student, a teacher, principal and minister of education.

But of the inequality that we see in the Pisa 2018 should be a wake-up call to politicians of all colours. It takes political courage to deal with it. It is time that all parties in search of themselves. American schools are not served by partisan political hobby horses, and ideological blinders.


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