What Are the Benefits of Cloud ERP?

Greater Flexibility

One of the greatest advantages of a cloud ERP system is the flexibility it offers to users, who can use the software directly through an Internet browser without having to install it on their devices. This also effectively saves time as users can start using the ERP software immediately after logging into their accounts.

This is especially helpful for companies that specialize in field service and logistics, as their employees can access the software on the go via mobile devices. Additionally, portable access makes it easier for companies to set up hybrid and remote workstations.

At the same time, companies do not have to worry about updating the installed software. When a cloud ERP system is updated, every user automatically gets access to the same system version.

Read more about benefits of cloud ERP on: https://xplusglobal.com/resources/blog/10-benefits-of-cloud-erp/

Dynamic Scalability

The flexibility of cloud ERP applications also offers businesses greater scalability. Without the need to meet specific hardware requirements and install the software, companies can easily change the number of users.

Some ERP solutions, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 FSCM, also offer more flexible licensing plans that allow to modify the number of users on the go and reduce costs since there is no requirement for paying upfront license fees. With a simplified configuration process, such ERP software allows companies to limit or expand functionality for each user, dynamically changing the final cost.

On top of that, a cloud ERP system ensures that all overseas offices of large international companies have access to the same software version and updated data.

Increased Cost-Efficiency

Cloud ERP solutions can significantly reduce the costs associated with system installation and maintenance.

Since users can access the software directly through an Internet browser, organizations can save substantial amounts of money on hardware and infrastructure. There are no setup costs other than the license fee. In addition, companies that rely on cloud ERP software do not need expensive professional support to maintain the infrastructure.

Advanced Security and Data Protection

Companies that have opted for on-premises ERP solutions have to take care of the data security and safety on their own, whereas leading cloud ERP products like Microsoft Dynamics 365 FCSM are hosted in secure data centers that are responsible for data security. They also offer disaster recovery and backup services that ensure no critical data is lost and significantly minimize downtime.

Unlike on-premises ERP systems, cloud software products are not susceptible to physical attacks such as theft or security breaches. Additionally, companies do not have to worry about protecting cloud infrastructure against natural disasters.

Improved Integration and Real-Time Analytics

Cloud ERP systems are particularly easy to integrate with other applications, which is not the same for on-premises software. Such integration further enhances functionality and allows data to be shared between multiple applications, whether they are created by the ERP developer or a third party.

This is especially true for leading ERP systems like Microsoft Dynamics FCSM, as many development companies are constantly releasing their independent solutions which can extend the functionality and enhance existing features.

The cloud architecture and ease of integration also make it easier for ERP software to update data in real time and make it accessible across all integrated applications. Not only does this greatly improve communication and accuracy, but also supports real-time analytics.

Flawless collaboration

Finally, the ease of information exchange and constant data updates promote communication within a company, which is essential for successful work on projects and smaller tasks. Regardless of the location of their work, employees can collaborate and exchange up-to-date information more easily thanks to cloud ERP software.

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