How to get an orgasm by stimulating just the nipples

Sexology argues that both men and women can achieve pleasure only if they touch the nipples, but, in practice, are more women that obtain climax this way

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it Is the Trojan horse of social networks, and also the basis on which to sustain feminist organizations such as Femen, therefore, in their claims, figure as the main element to teach an emblem female, the breasts. And, in them, in their pure center, is the nipple, reason of all kinds of discord in the age of mass communication.

“This surveillance on the nipples female is related to the moral tradition is still prevailing that says to ensure the protection and freedom and perpetuates the idea that the body of the woman may not be shown in public, unless it is a prostitute (whore) or in an environment that is pornographic”.

So speaking sexology member of the State Association of Professionals in Sexology (AEPS) Diana Fernández Saro, who agrees with her colleague Norm Ageitos when he explains that, in addition to the ability to breastfeed from the nipple female, “the only difference between these and the males” lies precisely in that “the first censor and the second not.”

what is discussed less is the capacity for erotic nipples themselves, and that, in principle, both men and women enjoy if your areolas, and breasts are stimulated. However, the sexology recognizes that women have a greater capacity to orgasmar when they are only your nipples that are at stake in the encounter of a couple. What the american media already analyze the following term: nipplegasm (nipple, nipple, orgasm from nipple would be the translation).

For example, the research Non genital orgasms (orgasms not genitals), developed in 2011 by the sexologists Barry R. Komisaruk and Beverly Whipple, showed that, “although the greater part of orgasms from genital stimulation, there is evidence that the single sensory stimulation can produce orgasms”.

Well, there are those -mostly women – are able to feel extreme pleasure only if you talk to them, without the need of that touch, and they are not your orgasms imaginary but real. And there are others, also mostly women, who have intense climax only with the stimulation of his nipples. What is more, in his map of the female orgasm Komisaruk explains that many women, when they touch their nipples, they emciende the part of the brain that is also activated when one has sensations in the vagina or the clitoris.

“To understand the orgasms from nipple, which can sound like marcianada, you must first understand what is an orgasm, which is nothing more than a reflection that is born in the lower part of the spinal cord and ascends to the brain. Not all arrived by the same pathways, and there are so many formulas to get to the climax as people,” analyzes Ageitos.

From sexology, in fact, is recognized as true that “there are orgasms by stimulation of the nipple or nipples”. “Already in 1974, Mary Jane Sherfey’s The nature and evolution of female sexuality (Nature and evolution of female sexuality), said that” from the anatomical point of view, there is absolutely no difference in the response of the viscera pelvic to sexual stimulation, affective, whether the stimulation occurs as a consequence of the manipulation of the area clitoral, coitus, natural or artificial, or even because of the single stimulation of the breasts,'” recalls the sex therapist and couple-Fernandez Saro.

Now, the million dollar question: How do you get orgasms from nipple? By making the blood circulate with power to them, stroking the areola, for example, with the fingers, with the mouth or with any contraption that is enjoyable for both members of the couple. Even with the penis can be to caress a nipple.

Result: maximum hardness. The nipple, quicir. Then, what ideal is, on the one hand, to increase the intensity of stimulation and, at the same time, supplement it with another kind of petting. This is, to caress the nipples of the partner while kissing, biting, cuddling a number, anything that makes you feel good to the landlord or owner of the nipple in question.

At that point your sensitivity is such that little is the orgasm, which can be much more long the longest has been the stimulation previously. Note that in a nipplegasm not immediately arrive, there are take time, but well worth it.

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