Telecinco Isabel Jiménez breaks down live when saying goodbye to David Cantero: "We have a knot in our stomach"

Emotions in the newsroom of Telecinco News are running high. It has been a complicated week: the goodbye of Pedro Piqueras, the first changes in his organization, the movements of presenters.

If last night it was Pedro Piqueras who closed his 18 years as presenter of Telecinco’s Evening News with a humble and brief farewell, this afternoon it was David Cantero and Isabel Jiménez’s turn to say goodbye live.

Pedro Piqueras endured the tug last night and kept the tears from flowing until he was met with the surprise of all his colleagues when he left the set. Isabel Jiménez, “a drama”, as her friend, her partner, has described her, has not been able to hold back her tears in one of the most exciting moments of recent months on television.

And, according to the new organization of the news, David Cantero will present the network’s weekend news program alongside José Ribagorda and Leticia Iglesias. Meanwhile, Isabel Jiménez remains on the midday news from Monday to Friday, which she will share with Ángeles Blanco, until now the one who was the presenter of the weekend newscast.

The farewell to her partner has broken the journalist who, as soon as she started, collapsed live: “For me, Lottery Day is a day that I especially like because it is a day to smile, but today we both have a knot in our stomachs.” stomach”.

“Yes, it is a day of emotions here at Informativos Telecinco. Last night we said goodbye to Pedro and today we have to say goodbye. It is our last news program together after many years, almost 13,” Cantero said then, trying to give his partner some time to to recover, something that has been impossible.

“I want to thank Agustín and Esther…” Isabel Jiménez started again without being able to continue. “It’s a drama. Nothing happens. It has been a pleasure to work with this woman,” Cantero continued while Isabel Jiménez took her hand.

“You have been the best companion,” the journalist told him through tears. “Keep enjoying and keep working. Goodbye,” were David Cantero’s last words before finishing the news, which they both said goodbye holding hands and blowing kisses.

David Cantero and Isabel Jiménez close more than a decade working together and occupy third position in the midday news programs with a share of 11.3% and 1,143,000 viewers on average. The desktop edition of Informativos Telecinco is behind Telediario 1 (11.6% and 1,182,000) and Antena 3 Noticias presented by Sandra Golpe (21.6% and 2,188,000).

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