Televisión Pelayo Díaz regrets his latest network controversy: "It was a very immature reaction"

Pelayo Díaz appeared on Socialité on Saturday, April 15, to address the great controversy that had led days before on social networks. The stylist received a barrage of criticism after his response to a Stradivarius ‘community manager’ who criticized one of his ‘looks’.

She shared her photo alongside the word “no.” He reacted with a long text in which he questioned his professional performance: “I hope your boss or boss sees how you handle your networks because if that’s how you handle your personal issue, I don’t want to imagine how you’ll handle Stradivarius’s, what a shame.”

The Spaniard admitted his mistake in the Telecinco program: “I totally regret it. Maybe I wasn’t entirely right, perhaps what I did was a very immature reaction. Well, yes, I admit it.” He also spoke about his styling: “It was a ‘look’ that I did in homage to Lady Di. He is one of my fashion icons, he is a person I have always admired.”

The one who was part of the Cámbiame team explained: “These photos generated talk and that does not seem bad to me. In the end it is because of what I do what I do… I am a super-impulsive person and I know that it is my problem, I know I have to work on it. I think a lot of the time it’s my Achilles heel. I never thought it would be so fuss.”

Díaz tried to explain his reaction: “This person labeled me with a giant ‘no’ in my ‘look’. I answered him because it struck me that a person who is a ‘community manager’ dedicated himself to sowing this hatred. Because Many people who have answered and who have joined this car seem normal for her to share a giant ‘no’ and tag me so I can see it.”

The ‘influencer’ reflected: “How do you measure whether you can answer or not? I think that public figures are a bit limited on this issue and a bit against the wall. When we answer, it is that we do not accept criticism… We also have feelings. I can’t answer because I’m a public figure?”

“The debate that I would like to see opened is that of where social networks are going. I think that we should often put ourselves in the other person’s place, me the first, making 100% self-criticism,” he commented.

Pelayo Díaz told Socialité that he hoped they had not fired the Stradivarius ‘community manager’ after the controversy: “I think this girl deserves a promotion for what she has achieved, a media coverage for the brand, regardless of our brawl … The value of constantly reading the name of this brand on networks is incalculable.”

The stylist had been on the set of Ya es mediodía on Wednesday, April 12, where he declared: “At no time did I ask Inditex to end this girl’s work. I simply wanted her bosses to see that she is dedicated to throwing away the work of the ‘influencers’… I don’t think it’s right to start a fire and then hide the matches”.

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