The Parliament fails to pass initiatives on the repetition of tests of the OPE of Osakidetza

EH Bildu and Elkarekin we Can claim not to convene the repetitions until completion of the investigations of the Prosecutor’s office

The Health Commission of the Basque Parliament has failed today to approve any initiative on the repetition of the tests three specialties of the opposition of Osakidetza in which several opponents alleged that there was leakage of examinations.

EH Bildu has defended in this parliamentary body, an initiative which called for, among other claims, that not repeating the testing in angiology, anesthesia and cargiología until you review and adjust your content.

Finally, the coalition nationalist has settled a text with Elkarrekin we Can in presenting this petition and urged the Osakidetza not to convene be repeats until completion of the investigations of the Prosecutor’s office and the Ararteko and raised a series of measures to reconsider the foundations of the OPE.

The groups supporting the basque Government, the PNV and PSE-EE have submitted their own amendment, in which it is located to the Osakidetza to prepare a proposal of measures for improvement of these oppositions, while the PP is in its alternative text advocated that tests be repeated with measures that ensure “the inherent principles of” a selective process of these features.

None of the initiatives has achieved enough support to move forward and all of them have been rejected.

From EH Bildu, Rebeka Ubera has opted to introduce “additional measures” in the tests to guarantee the equality of opportunities and for changing the human resources policy of the Osakidetza.

Cristina Macazaga (Elkarrekin we Can) has alleged that the “pseudoinvestigación” possible leaks “has not served to anything,” and has warned that the Osakidetza “it’s going to be in front” to his group, waiting to see what that may be determined by the investigations of the office of the Prosecutor and of the Ararteko.

Kerman Orbegozo (PNV) has explained that what they asked for, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin we Can go against the current legislation and the bases of the OPE and has reminded that the minister of Health, Jon Darpón, will appear shortly in the Parliament to explain the steps to be taken in the next few oppositions.

In the same sense, the socialist Natalia Red has made it clear that the basque Government has to comply with the law and has relied on measures that advance Darpón can be negotiated and agreed.

finally, the popular Laura Garrido has also said that some of the approaches discussed today are not possible on the basis of regulations, after regretting that the action of the Department in this matter has been “grossly disappointing”.

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