Again, take a deep breath

An optimal breathing rhythm, we can observe in a Baby. It breathes deeply and evenly, the belly rises and falls, the pages move. Shoulders and neck to remain loose and relaxed. With optimal breathing, we come to the world and get rid of it is usually in the course of the years. Frequent Sitting and uncomfortable clothes squeeze the abdomen and diaphragm. Because we move too little, we breathe more shallow. Stress and tension from the lacing to us, the air, fear can Rob us of the breath. We do not use the capacity to fill our lungs and not exhale completely.

A quiet and effective breathing is the best recipe for physical and mental well-being. Deep abdominal breathing stimulates the internal organs, improves blood circulation, cell metabolism, immune system and digestion. Those who suffer from Asthma and Bronchitis, can prevent seizures, and shortness of breath. Breathing also acts directly on the Psyche: Stress, for example, often with irregular or accelerated rhythm. Conversely, it is almost impossible to get into Stress when you breathe consciously quiet. A quiet breathing and Stress are mutually exclusive.

The free breath-Coach

The breath Coach comes from the therapist, and yoga teacher Peter Konopka, and is based on his book, “relaxation and correct breathing provides”. The program consists of 40 learning units, which consist of information and simple Exercises. You learn from the belly, over the flanks to the full-breathing all-important breathing techniques, exercise, for example, as you draw more energy from the air, such as breathing contributes to the relaxation, your will power strengthens, or helps to lose weight. And discover the secret of the Yogi. The breath Coach is suitable for all who want to improve their breathing active. Everyone can practice at their own pace, it offers but to deal every day with a Chapter.

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