Application by Post get: Dead cat to participate in election in America

the Surprise in the letter box: In Atlanta, a family Post for your twelve years ago deceased cat, and a voter registration form for the American presidential election. The letter for “Cody” have you amused, said the former owner Carol Tims the TV station WAGA-TV. If now trying, cats, register, “I’m not sure if you (try also), to register dogs, mice, and snakes.”

there are Usually in the year of the presidential election in the United States, many initiatives to win voters for the vote. Such a group is probably also responsible for the Writing of the cat, said the Ministry of state of the state of Georgia. The authority didn’t send the sign – in sheet anyway, to the cat – full name Cody Tims. Even if the animal was still alive, it would have allowed for the election but may not vote, after all, it would have had no ID.

would have voted As Cody knew his previous owner however The cat had been a “DemoCat” (combination of “Democrat” and “Cat”), said Carol Tims. “A great cat, indoors and outdoors, loved his family and his neighbors. He was 18.5 years old when he died.“

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