Attack on the Marathon: death sentence for Boston bomber canceled

A Federal appeals court in the United States has lifted the death sentence against the bombers from the Boston marathon, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,. The court in the East coast metropolis of Boston sent back on Friday the case to a subordinate court to decide in a further judgment hearing on a new sentence. Even if the abolition of the death sentence should be confirmed after re-examination, would Tsarnaev be at least sentenced to life imprisonment, said the court of appeal.

The court annulled only the part of the judgment deals with the charges of the death penalty. “Dzokhar will remain for the Rest of his life in prison, the question is whether the government will end his life by his execution remains the only,” wrote the three judges of the court of appeal in the Friday published judgment.

error in process

The judge, the defense gave, among other things, in the point of law that the selection process of the Jury was in error. So one of the jurors Tsarnaev should have been on Twitter as “scum” referred to as the lawyer of the Convicted said.

The 27-year-old Tsarnaev was convicted in mid-may 2015 to death. The jury found the young man guilty, together with his later slain brother Tamerlan at the finish area of the Boston marathon in April 2013, two homemade explosive devices explode. Three people were in the most serious terrorist attack in America since September 11. September 2001 killed several of the 264 injured arms or legs lost.

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