Climate change in the herb garden: The gentle revolutionary

The hot, dry summer, mild Winter, the rains, and then crusted soil, on which nothing will grow want: anyone Who maintains a garden, remembers more clearly than others, how rapidly the climate changes. Planting calendar votes more, which thrived earlier in the summer as a matter of course, in the summer drought without daily Watering. There is no stubborn to Follow helps old-fashioned advice. The world has changed irreversibly.

The young Austrian Farmer, Julia Wolf know this from daily experience. It has a large self-catering garden that attracts young plants of hundreds of varieties, rarities, and white for a long time, that the cultivation rules from their training, need to be re-written. Climate change is a reality – but-the-world mood Julia Wolf is, she says: “I have two children myself, I could be afraid of, of course. But this is the way of Stagnation, I prefer to search for solutions.“ Any one have it in Hand, to improve the own living space, says Wolf: “of Course it is important to think in big dimensions, but I as an individual can politically to change anything. In my own environment, I can change a lot, I can offer my front yard planting, food for insects, instead of him practically zuzuschottern. This is a very gentle way, a Revolution to initiate, but effective.“

Julia wolf’s organic farm is located on a gentle slope in the words mountain, a small village in the southern Burgenland. Orchards and vineyards dominate the landscape at the Transition between the Mediterranean, a number of Pannonian and Alpine climate, it is a fertile area. The tamed Wilderness of the self-catering garden, the diversity of species and the buzzing and whispering of insects in it proof of the great talent of Julia Wolf are life: you sow more, and nourishes not only your plants, but also the Knowledge of the careful handling of it. And all of this to lay people and farmers, with garden tours and Workshops for children, lectures, and with the Creation of about Naschgärten for kindergartens and schools.

Humus, nutrients, compost

Julia Wolf is as a revolutionary, a pragmatic one: With the obvious climate change is to deal with old habits to fall and the garden will be treated particularly carefully. “The most Important is the treatment of the soil: build-up of Humus, the supply of nutrients, and the green is always waste directly on the land in compost transform,” advises Wolf. The soil must be open, i.e. not by a gravel layer is compacted, green manure such as buckwheat or blue-blooming bee pasture to bring nutrients in the soil.

bee and butterfly perennials not only promote biodiversity, but also cultivate beneficial insects in your garden that hold the is also due to the mild Winter, beneficiaries pests in check, gardeners spectres, such as oak processionary moth, mulberry aphid and beech-tree borer. “We’re pretty sloppy in the garden with us herb and beet mess it grows – and it is exactly this mixed culture promotes beneficial insects.” Also a radical cut Back in the autumn is to be avoided, because in the dry flower and fruit stalls overwinter beneficial insects.

in Principle, has prolonged the vegetation period by one-third, estimates of the Wolf: “in the past, it has been said that, prior to April, you need to do in the garden, nothing. In the meantime, we can grow almost twelve months in the year and harvests, especially in the autumn and winter vegetable growing is a big topic,“ she says. – Ideas come mainly from the Italian and Croatian agriculture, the traditional climate resembles more and more the, the Julia Wolf has to work. “In the meantime, we’ll start in February with peas, chard and so on – and many of the sheet will not work in the summer vegetable, because it is so hot and dry.”

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