New CO2-law Overview: What does that mean for consumers?

The Council of States had made Decisions in the past fall first. A short interim report after the debate in the national Assembly:

The law aims to contribute to the increase in the average temperature of the earth significantly below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, and to make efforts to limit temperature increases to 1.5 degrees.

Switzerland is to halve, by the year 2030, the greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990. It goes to the Council of States, should be at least 60 percent of the measures in the domestic. The national Council wants to fix the domestic target value at 75 percent. What does this mean for the consumer? the heaters
it Goes to the Council of States, shall apply to existing buildings, starting in 2023, a CO2-limit value if the heater needs to be replaced. House owners could install only a new oil heating system, if the house is well insulated. The limit of a maximum of 20 kilograms of CO2 per square meter of energy reference area and year is to be reduced in five-year increments to five kilograms. The national Council wants to be subject to in – place Oil and gas heaters part only from 2026 to a CO2-limit value.

new car
CO2 target values for the average of new vehicles are to be further tightened, in line with the EU. New should be adopted in addition, not only for cars, vans and light semi-trailer requirements, but also for heavy trucks. Importers will have to pay if their new car fleet over the targets is located.

petrol price
The producers and importers of fossil fuels to compensate for a larger part of CO2 emissions – and more in Germany. The beats on the petrol and diesel price. The Parliament wants to limit the impact, but by 2024, the compensation is to be allowed to increase the price of the litre of fuel by up to 10 cents, from 2025 to up to 12 cents.

airline ticket tax
flight tickets will be charged a levy of at least 30 and not more than 120 Swiss francs, depending on the class and trip distance. Be rewarded, those that fly little or not at all: a Good half of the revenue should be reimbursed to the population, the other half is spent in a new climate Fund, the current vessels will be replaced. Even on flights with a private jets a tax is to be levied. Rejected the Parliament has an additional charge for flights in Business and First Class. For transit passengers, the rules do not apply. Duties for the company fuel
The maximum rate of the CO2 levy on fuels should increase from the current 120 to 210 Swiss francs per Tonne CO2 if the emissions from the fuels are not enough to go back.

The CO2 levy is to be increased gradually. The national Council wants to but that can get rid of all the companies thereof. The Council of States determines the threshold for a tax exemption for 10’000 Swiss francs.

climate Fund
In the Fund to flow to a third of the revenue from the CO2 levy, and nearly half of them from the air ticket levy. The Details are controversial. (SDA), The second calls

The Green wave was also on the scoreboard in the makeshift Council chamber at the Bern Expo visible. The SVP in red fought mostly alone against the Rest of the house in green. This color is now also the new CO2-law. Red, however, could bleed the wallet.

gasoline and Diesel will be up from 2025 to up to 12 cents more expensive. According to TCS, the average price was the end of April at around 1.39 Swiss francs – with the new law, the price would rise so may be about 1.50 Swiss francs.

Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga (60) tried to appease: many of the measures amounts to a Maximum of stated: “All the calculate now the maximum mark-UPS and the people any horror submit invoices to conceal that the maximum opportunity has hitherto not been exhausted”. In fact, the surcharge on gasoline and Diesel fuel could amount to five cents, – he is but two.

Who wants to be in the summer holiday from Zurich to Mallorca, or just continue to fly away, must be pay with the new law, depending on the category of 30 to 120 francs. Upon impact, however, is an incentive fee. This means that A part of the money will be refunded. Those who fly little, get back money, so Sommaruga.

Now the law is back in the Council of States: The major lines are plugged in, for example, at the question of how much CO2 is in the domestic to be compensated, there is still disagreement.

finally, the voting public should decide. Already last autumn SVP-President Albert Rösti (52) announced that in VIEW of the Referendum against the law. Even now, it is for the SVP is clear that the voting public must have the last word. As the SVP for the Referendum is involved, but it is still open. You reckon, that the directly affected industry associations have taken the Referendum. Hash Browns could still be on Board – after all, he is the President of Swissoil, the umbrella organisation of fuel distributors.

As the climate change, Switzerland

Switzerland is sweating. And the more and more often. Since 1864 it has become in this country an average of around 1.9 degrees warmer. The increase is twice as large as the global average. Global warming is a Scam in the last 150 years, around 0.9 degree.

climate change hits the Switzerland so above average. This is in part due to the fact that we’ll be by the sea. Because the world’s oceans, steam heating. As a landlocked country, we are not able to benefit so. At the same time, Switzerland is located in the middle latitudes. And the areas in the direction of the North pole to heat up, in principle, stronger than those at the Equator.

The consequences are clear. Example of Lucerne: From 1960 to 1985 were registered, respectively, an average of 3.4 hot days of 30 degrees or more. From 1985 until 2018 it’s been 8 days.

at the same time, the winters are always mild. In the lowlands the snow shovel remains, therefore, often unused. The development shows also in the winter sports resort of Davos GR: There are 231 frost had been measured in 1890, still days with below 0 degrees. In 2018, there were still 161.

And it will continue to do so. Climate change is likely to mean for Switzerland, dry summers, heavy rainfall, more hot days and winters with little snow. Also, the temperatures will continue to rise, write Meteoswiss and the ETH Zurich, in a report by 2018. Accordingly, it will be in the next few years, by 0.7 to 3.3 degrees warmer than in the comparison period of 1981 to 2010. Until the middle of the century, the temperatures rise even by up to 6 degrees.

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