Special plant mix: With Ginkgo against the hangover

Mines in narrow bars is not a thing. However, in beer gardens and on restaurant terraces, much is being done to mitigate the lock-down caused a loss of sales of alcoholic beverages manufacturer. Those business sponsors that overdo it, can help you with a recipe by Patrick Schmitt. The Mainz biology graduate, has developed a plant-based mixture, to make the most common hangover symptoms more bearable.

Madeleine Brühl


F. A. Z. Twitter

Along with Bernhard Lieb, Professor at the Institute for Molecular biology at the University of Mainz, pointed out Schmitt in a study that a mixture of plant extracts, vitamins and minerals alleviates the after-effects of alcohol consumption the next day. So headaches, Nausea, apathy, and Restlessness of fall according to the study, significantly weaker when the plant preparation was taken before and after drinking alcohol. To find out which plants could have an effect, Schmitt analyzes some 600 publications, from trade magazines. He was concerned with the processes that cause an alcohol hangover. Then he dealt with the question of which substances can influence these processes, and in which plant extracts are included. Although previous studies with natural products delivered no statistically significant results, could account for the researchers in the literature, several promising plants: Ginkgo, white willow, ginger, acerola cherry and Prickly pear.

“these are all plants of known medicinal or fruit extracts – a colorful, wild mix,” says Robert Prince, a Professor of Pharmaceutical biology at the University of Frankfurt. For the General effectiveness of the first three plants, there is already scientific evidence that does not relate to the Hangover symptoms. In addition, the evidence is limited to doses of “Medicinal products”. The Ginkgo contained Ginkgolides neutralize, for example, in the case of alcohol removal of free oxygen radicals generated, and thus act anti-oxidatively. For ginger, the research was able to demonstrate a positive effect against Nausea – but only against travel nausea. “Willow bark is effective in the right concentration is used for pain. This may include but is not that the substance would be included in this food in a sufficient amount so that it is effective against the pain,“ says Prince.

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For Prickly pear and acerola cherry, there is currently only evidence from the basic research that they are effective against a hangover. Acerola cherries contain flavonoids Compounds, which would, among other things, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, says Schmitt. In the case of cactus, the type of Action is cowardly, however, is not yet known. “You can’t make the effect of the individual substances with the study of this kind.” Finally, they were tested together, a single test is still to come.

the idea for the study, Schmitt had brought the Mainz-based Start-up Founderholics who wanted to sell a herbal “Anti-hangover Drink”. “If you would like to advertise, you must be well-founded,” says the molecular biologist. So he put together according to latest research, a formulation that is marketed by Founderholics now as “Anti-Hangover Drink”. “I think it’s laudable that a dietary Supplement is to get with a clinical study, a certain degree of rationality,” says the Frankfurter pharmacist Prince to do so.

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