Stay cool: Cool rooms: Three tips against the summer heat

In summer, the temperatures not only rise outside, but also inside, whether while working in the home office or in the evening before going to bed. This not only affects concentration, but also sleep. If the heat then persists for several days, interiors often heat up so much that the heat can become uncomfortable. Methods for cooling rooms are therefore in demand. Read here which tips and technical aids help against the heat.

As soon as the temperature outside is warmer than inside, ventilation does nothing to counteract the heat, but actually contributes to it. Therefore, never open your windows in the heat of the day, but always in the morning and evening when the temperature is lower. Draft is important, it is best to open several windows and doors to create a pleasant draft that can cool down the apartment.

If you have windows that let direct sunlight into your home, you need reflective blinds or curtains. Because the sun’s rays heat up the rooms considerably. If these cannot penetrate at all, it stays pleasantly cool. Especially for this purpose, reflective curtains and blinds were invented, which not only do not let the sun’s rays penetrate, but even let them bounce off a reflective surface. Metallic textiles with a highly reflective exterior are particularly efficient. Practical sun protection films, which you can attach to any window pane, are even more flexible.

Moving air feels cooler, so fans are also popular gadgets to cool rooms. However, fans only circulate the air that is already in the room, so although it feels subjectively cooler, the room is not actively cooled and the temperature drops. Mobile air conditioners, on the other hand, actively cool the room. Under certain circumstances, however, the devices are not completely quiet at work and make a constant noise while they are switched on. If you can live with that and are insensitive to noise, you can actively cool the room with your own air conditioning system.

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