Stay Safe: The Highway Code for Cyclists

Cycling is an increasingly popular form of transportation and recreation in the UK, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t follow the proper safety protocols. To keep yourself and other road users safe, it is important to understand the highway code for cyclists.

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of what you need to know about cycling on public roads in order to stay safe and obey traffic laws.

We will cover topics such as visibility, signaling, lane positioning, passing etiquette and more so that you can confidently take your bike out on the open road!

Visibility on the Road – What You Need to Know

When cycling on UK public roads, it is essential to make yourself as visible as possible. Wear bright colours and consider attaching lights or reflectors to your bike so that other road users can easily spot you.

A lack of clear visibility is a major cause of cycling accidents, so make sure you do what you can to stand out! Whether that’s wearing a high-visibility jacket, a reflective hoodie or even attaching a flag to your bike, anything you can do to make sure other people see you is important.

Also ensure that your bike has a bell or horn so you can alert drivers when needed. Some cyclists, particularly in America, choose to equip their bikes with a siren, or even a personalised bell, which is considerably louder than a bell and can be heard from further away.

Signaling and Lane Positioning

Correct signaling is essential for cyclists to stay safe on the roads. When turning, it is important to signal clearly and early enough so that other drivers have time to react accordingly. The left arm should be raised while pointing in the direction of the turn. Make sure your signals are easily visible and make them adequately in advance of when you’re actually turning.

When cycling on the road, it is always important to stay in the designated cycle lane when there is one, or otherwise ride as far to the left of the right-hand side of the road as possible. This not only increases your visibility as a cyclist but also allows other drivers to easily identify that you’re a cyclist and adjust their driving accordingly.

Passing Etiquette – How to Pass Other Vehicles Safely

When passing other vehicles on the road, cyclists should always be sure to give plenty of room and make their presence known. Always pass on the left side and make sure to communicate with other drivers that you are doing so by either making eye contact or ringing your bell.

Before starting a pass, it is also important to check for any oncoming traffic and make sure that it is safe to do so.

If possible, you should avoid passing a moving vehicle, and only pass vehicles which are firmly stopped, with their brake lights on or with no one in the driver’s seat.

Rules for Intersections and Roundabouts

When approaching an intersection or a roundabout, it is important to be aware of the other vehicles and enter with caution. As a cyclist, you have the same rights as any other vehicle so make sure that you do not get pushed around by larger vehicles.

At intersections, always come to a complete stop if there is no traffic light and check for oncoming traffic. At roundabouts, cyclists should travel to the left of the inner circle and look out for other vehicles entering or exiting the roundabout.

Tips for Riding in Bad Weather Conditions

When cycling in wet or icy conditions, it is important to be extra vigilant and cautious. Slow down when approaching corners and avoid braking suddenly as this can cause your bike to skid. Also, look out for potholes or slippery patches of road which could cause an accident. Wear bright clothing so you stay visible and make sure to take extra care when passing other vehicles.

Following the highway code is an essential part of being a safe cyclist on public roads in the UK. Make sure that you are aware of all the rules, etiquette and safety tips so that you can confidently navigate any road situation with ease!

Advice for Nighttime Cycling Safety

If you’re cycling at night, it is essential that you do so with extra caution. Wear reflective clothing or attach lights and reflectors to your bike so that other drivers can easily identify your presence. Make sure to be extra aware of oncoming cars, as their headlights can sometimes make it difficult for them to spot cyclists in the dark.

Finally, if you are ever in doubt, always err on the side of caution and get off your bike to check for traffic.

The highway code should be followed by all cyclists so that they can ride safely and protect themselves from any potential accidents or harm. Remember to always stay aware, use appropriate signaling and take extra care when cycling in bad weather conditions or at night. With these tips, you should be able to confidently cycle on the roads and enjoy your journey.


The highway code is an important set of guidelines to follow when cycling in public spaces, ensuring cyclists are able to ride safely and protect themselves from any potential accidents. Reading, understanding and following these guidelines is absolutely essential for anyone looking to take up cycling as a hobby, or as part of their commute.

By following the highway code, cyclists can ensure their safety on the roads and make sure that they are abiding by the law when riding in public areas. Make sure to always stay aware, use proper signaling and take extra care when cycling at night or in bad weather. Failure to do so could result in a cycling accident.

Always keep the safety tips and advice outlined above in mind so that you can stay safe and enjoy your journey. If you are involved in a road traffic collision or experience an injury due to cycling, contact Cycle SOS – The Cyclists’ National Helpline for a free initial consultation and support making a compensation claim.

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